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Interpersonal Communication

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San Diego Mesa College
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Effective Interpersonal Communication
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Effective Interpersonal Communication
Bevan (2020) defines interpersonal communication as a unique type of interaction
between two individuals who can face face-to-face or mediated channels. Interpersonal
communication is the building block of all other communication and is governed by six basic
communication principles. In this assignment, I will explain two fundamental principles of
interpersonal communication. This assignment will also draw from the video “Failure to
communicate,” where two communication instances would be analyzed. Most importantly, this
paper will review how noise interrupts interpersonal communication with examples from the
video and recommend ways to overcome noise during communication.
In the video provided for this assignment, the communication between a deaf woman and
a lady with a hijab seems ineffective and unsuccessful because of miscommunication. For
example, when the lady wearing a hijab initially makes contact with the deaf woman, she
assumes that the deaf woman ignores her although she cannot hear her (Legrand, 2011). The
inability of one of the characters to listen affects the ability to communicate hence
miscommunication. A relevant principle of communication in this case, as identified, is
“acknowledging multiple views.” According to Bevan (2020), multiple views means accepting
that there is more than one point of view. Being open-minded to different possibilities of view is
vital for communication to be effective. In the above example, the woman wearing a hijab fails
to acknowledge that there are other explanations of why the woman initially fails to respond to
her. She quickly concludes that she is being ignored. Considering different possibilities is vital to
prevent prejudice from disrupting a communication process.
Another instance in the video where miscommunication happens is after the translating
device shuts down (Legrand, 2011). The woman in the hijab goes to the pinned map on the wall

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Running head: EFFECTIVE INTERSPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Effective Interpersonal Communication Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted 1 EFFECTIVE INTERSPERSONAL COMMUNICATION 2 Effective Interpersonal Communication Bevan (2020) defines interpersonal communication as a unique type of interaction between two individuals who can face face-to-face or mediated channels. Interpersonal communication is the building block of all other communication and is governed by six basic communication principles. In this assignment, I will explain two fundamental principles of interpersonal communication. This assignment will also draw from the video “Failure to communicate,” where two communication instances would be analyzed. Most importantly, this paper will review how noise interrupts interpersonal communication with examples from the video and recommend ways to overcome noise during communication. In the video provided for this assignment, the communication between a deaf woman and a lady with a hijab seems ineffective and unsuccessful because of miscommunication. For example, when the lady wearing a hijab initially makes contact with the deaf woman, she ...
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