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Multiple Regression Analysis

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Walden University
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Multiple Regression Analysis
Individuals tend to have different levels of income. This study examines the factors that have a
significant impact on income or which may explain why individuals have different incomes.
Analysis carried out was in the form of multiple regression analysis based on the General social
survey dataset. The variables of interest for the study are; conrinc (Respondent income in
constant dollars), educ(highest year of school completed), emailhr(Email hours per week), hrs2(
Hours usually work per week), and Age of respondent. The research design that fits the research
question is quantitative research design as the aim is to evaluate the relationship between a
dependent variable and other independent variables (Apuke, 2017).
The research question of interest is therefore; “Does education, email hours per week, and hours
usually work per week have an impact on an individual’s income?” The null hypothesis is
therefore: Education, email hours per week, and hours usually worked per week have are not
significant predictors of an individual’s income.
The dependent variable is the respondent’s income while the independent variables are email
hours per week, hours worked per week, and highest year of school. Age of respondent. was used
as a controlling variable. All variables are ratio variable. According to Hays(2008), a ratio
variable is a variable that is numerical in nature and differences between adjacent values are
equal, and has a true zero. All variables in the study fit this definition and are therefore ratio
variables. The justification of controlling for age is that age may confound with the other
dependent variables. Pourhoseingholi et al. (2012) indicates that a confounding variable is one
that affects the variables being studied.
Analysis and Results

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A multiple regression analysis was carried out in SPSS to evaluate whether Education, email
hours per week, and hours usually worked per week are significant predictors of an individual’s
income. The results of the analysis were not statistically significant, F(4,2) =8.783, p
value=0.105. However, by considering the impact of individual variables on respondents’
income, the only statistically significant variable was hours usually worked per week, t=4.856, p
=0.04. The slope value for hours per week is 1180.717. The value indicates that a respondent’s
income increases by $1180.717 per year for every 1-hour increase in number of hours worked
per week.
Of the three independent variables studied while controlling for age, only number of hours
worked per week was found to have a significant impact on income. Numbers of hours worked
per week has a positive impact on income with income increasing by about $1181 per year for
vey additional hour worked per week. Email hours and education level have no impact on
income while controlling for age.

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Multiple Regression Analysis Individuals tend to have different levels of income. This study examines the factors that have a significant impact on income or which may explain why individuals have different incomes. Analysis carried out was in the form of multiple regression analysis based on the General social survey dataset. The variables of interest for the study are; conrinc (Respondent income in constant dollars), educ(highest year of school completed), emailhr(Email hours per week), hrs2( Hours usually work per week), and Age of respondent. The research design that fits the research question is quantitative research design as the aim is to evaluate the relationship between a dependent variable and other independent variables (Apuke, 2017). The research question of interest is therefore; “Does education, email hours per week, and hours usually work per week have an impact on an individual’s income?” The null hypothesis is therefore: Education, email hours per week, and hours usually worked per week have are not significant predictors of an individual’s income. The dependent variable is the respondent’s income while the independent variables are email hours per week, hours worked per week, and highest year of school. Age of respondent. was used as a controlling variable. All variables are ratio variable. According to Hays(2008), a ratio variable is a variable that is numerical in nature and differences between adjacent values are equal, and has a true zero. All ...
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