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Calculate The Z

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University of South Florida
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1. Calculate the z(statistic) for the following data:
US average gas price is $2.67, with a standard deviation of $0.30.
Florida's average gas price is $2.39, we sampled 200 gas stations.
Answer : 14
Based on the z(statistic) in question above, what can we conclude about the average price of gas
in Florida?
 
As Z statistic value is -13.199.
The value of p is < .00001. The result is significant at p < .05.
Average price of Florida is far away from the average price of US and as negative so it is below.
2. Ho: Black(hiring rate) = White(hiring rate)
H1: Black(hiring rate) White(hiring rate)
We calculated a z(statistic) of 8.56.
What can we conclude about the hiring rate of black people? reject? fail to reject? what level of
Value of z is much higher so our hypothesis
is not acceptable. So REJECT hypothesis.
3. We want to know if people who read more novels have greater levels of empathy than
people who read less novels. Construct a research hypothesis and a null hypothesis.
Null hypothesis
: empathy(more novels) empathy (less novels)
Alternative hypothesis:
: empathy(more novels) empathy (less novels)

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1. Calculate the z(statistic) for the following data: US average gas price is $2.67, with a standard deviation of $0.30. Florida's average gas price is $2.39, we sampled 200 gas stations. Answer : 14 Based on the z(statistic) in question above, what can we conclude about the average price of gas i ...
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