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Annotated Bibliography On Depressive Disorders And Anxiety Disorders 1

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Annotated Bibliography on Depressive and Bipolar Disorders and Suicide

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Annotated Bibliography on Depressive and Bipolar Disorders and Suicide
Barak-Corren, Y., Castro, V. M., Javitt, S., Hoffnagle, A. G., Dai, Y., Perlis, R. H., ... & Reis, B.
Y. (2017). Predicting suicidal behaviour from longitudinal electronic health
records. American journal of psychiatry, 174(2), 154-162.
The primary purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the extent to which
longitudinal electronic health records may be applied to predict suicidal behavior among
patients. In this paper, the authors provide a mechanism that may be used to predict
suicidal behaviour and take necessary preventive measures. To achieve this goal, the
researchers utilized EHR data from a large health care database spanning 15 years (1998
2012) of inpatient and outpatient visits. The participants in the study were 1,728,549
patients who had made visits to these major healthcare organizations. The authors
provide that the use of longitudinal electronic health records is one of the effective ways
through which suicidal behaviour may be detected and appropriate actions are taken to
help the individuals. When a healthcare provider interacts with data on individual health,
it is possible to obtain certain information that may indicate suicidal behaviour and this
information provides the foundation for the close monitoring of the individuals.
Hayes, J. A., Petrovich, J., Janis, R. A., Yang, Y., Castonguay, L. G., & Locke, B. D. (2020).
Suicide among college students in psychotherapy: Individual predictors and latent
classes. Journal of counseling psychology, 67(1), 104.
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the individual factors that predispose
university students who are on psychotherapy to suicide. The researchers collected data

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Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated Bibliography on Depressive and Bipolar Disorders and Suicide Name Course Tutor Date 1 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 2 Annotated Bibliography on Depressive and Bipolar Disorders and Suicide Suicide Barak-Corren, Y., Castro, V. M., Javitt, S., Hoffnagle, A. G., Dai, Y., Perlis, R. H., ... & Reis, B. Y. (2017). Predicting suicidal behaviour from longitudinal electronic health records. American journal of psychiatry, 174(2), 154-162. The primary purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the extent to which longitudinal electronic health records may be applied to predict suicidal behavior among patients. In this paper, the authors provide a mechanism that may be used to predict suicidal behaviour and take necessary preventive measures. To achieve this goal, the researchers utilized EHR data from a large health care database spanning 15 years (1998– 2012) of inpatient and outpatient visits. The participants in the study were 1,728,549 patients who had made visits to these major healthcare organizations. The authors provide that the use of longitudinal electronic health records is one of the effective ways through which suicidal behaviour may be detected and appropriate actions are taken to help the individuals. When a healthcare provider interacts with data on individual health, it is possible to obtain certain information that may indicate suicidal behaviour and this information provides the foundation for the close monitori ...
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