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Hmie78 Essay Social Media Evaluation Instagram World Health Organization Who.edited

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Political Science
George Washington University
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​ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION #WHO The World Health Organization (WHO) specialized UH agency handles medical and health issues for the world's nations. Their actions as director and coordinator authority on international health are working. The primary objective is to promote solutions to economic, international, and social health-related problems and issues. According to statistics, the leading global risks for the world's moralities are tobacco use, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, high blood glucose, obesity, and overweight. They affect all income groups across the whole world.#WHO Sharing Knowledge For a Healthier World Our healthy community cannot be reached without putting the well-being and health of the population at the center of public policy. Health sickness is getting worse and worsening individuals' economic prospects through the life cycle. For example, for young children and infants, ill-health is affected by the capacity to accumulate human capital. For adults, ill-health has lowered the quality of life and in the labor market outcomes. To encourage reform towards more resilient health systems, better focused on what the people need and putting in doubl ...
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