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Global Cyber Security

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Computer Science
Goethe University Frankfurt
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Running head: CYBER SECURITY 1
Cyber Security

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Question 1
Reliable and open internet access is vital for global prosperity as well as security.
However, these values have been undermined by increasing cyber threats from non-state and
state actors. US adversaries like China and Russia have been taking malicious cyber threats to
the gray zone below the armed conflict threshold to sabotage US and allies' security for
economic and military advantages. The Department of Justice and that of defense have been on
the front line to unearth the malicious activities that threaten organizational and national security
and personal safety (Department of Justice, 2020).
The department of justice, via FBI and other joint task force on cybercrime
investigations, is the lead on cyber threats response such as investigating and attributes their
findings to particular entities or persons as well as facilitating sharing of information and
intelligence. The presidential policy directive (PPD-41) provides ways to respond to various
cyber threats, such as response to threats, assets, and intelligence support. The FBI's cyber
division mainly focuses on the high-level global syndicate and state-sponsored hackers and
prolific botnets intrusions. For instance, the charging of six Russians computer hackers by a
federation grand jury in 2020. The grand jury investigated the incident and attributed it to six
Russian nationals' officers of 74455 Unit, a military intelligence agent of Russia referred to as
GRU (Department of Justice, 2020).
The justice department has the role of charging the cybercriminals based on the evidence
gathered for a specific period. According to the FBI's case study of the six Russians, the
defendants deployed destructive malware and actions for Russia's strategic benefits via hacking
victims' computers. The justice department investigations indicated that the hackers' intentions
were intended to disrupt French elections, Georgia government institutions and companies,
critical infrastructure and government of Ukraine, and Pyeon Chang Olympics participants,
hosts, attendees, and partners. All hackers were charged with seven counts. As part of the justice
department, the court considers the FBI indictment charges as mere accusations. The accused are
presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty by the court based on the evidence
(Department of Justice, 2020).
The defense department relies on reliable and secure cyberspace to protect the
fundamental privacy, freedom, and free flow of information. The role of the US department of
defense in cyber warfare is its commitment to sharing information in support of operations such
as investigations of cyber threats. The defense department has a good knowledge of global
communications and information technology, such as its cybersecurity expertise. This knowledge
makes the defense department in the US strategy for the fight against cyber warfare. The
department has helped leverage US private sector technology prowess by investing in research,
people, and technology. The department's relationship with US international partners and allies
provides a foundation for further cooperation in global cyberspace warfare. Collective self-
defense and continued international integration establishment of cyberspace norms strengthen
cyberspace for the benefit of all (Department of Justice, 2020).
The US defense department protects sensitive information in partnership with the defense
industrial base. The defense industrial base provides defense technologies, policies, weapon
systems, personnel, and strategy development. To increase security, the defense department

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Running head: CYBER SECURITY 1 Cyber Security Name Institution CYBER SECURITY 2 Question 1 Reliable and open internet access is vital for global prosperity as well as security. However, these values have been undermined by increasing cyber threats from non-state and state actors. US adversaries like China and Russia have been taking malicious cyber threats to the gray zone below the armed conflict threshold to sabotage US and allies' security for economic and military advantages. The Department of Justice and that of defense have been on the front line to unearth the malicious activities that threaten organizational and national security and personal safety (Department of Justice, 2020). The department of justice, via FBI and other joint task force on cybercrime investigations, is the lead on cyber threats response such as investigating and attributes their findings to particular entities or persons as well as facilitating sharing of information and intelligence. The presidential policy directive (PPD-41) provides ways to respond to various cyber threats, such as response to threats, assets, and intelligence support. The FBI's cyber division mainly focuses on the high-level global syndicate and state-sponsored hackers and prolific botnets intrusions. For instance, the charging of six Russians computer hackers by a federation grand jury in 2020. The grand jury investigated the incident and attributed it to six Russian nationals' officers of 74455 Unit, a military intelli ...
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