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Future Network Architecture.edited

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Computer Science
Southern New Hampshire University
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The Future Network Design
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Future Prospect Needs for Communication
In the last analysis, the recent SNHUEnergy architecture and network infrastructure
involve numerous Memphis and Dallas Office locations. Also, involve other divisions, including
payroll, operations, accounting, IT, human resources, and other essential applications accessed
through the network (VOIP, email, and human resources). The current infrastructure
encompasses the system's components, such as the firewall, routers, servers, and switches.
Notably, they offer video, data, and voice connectivity externally and internally to users utilizing
the (TCP/IP) data traffic (Anastopoulos & Katsikas, 2017). Notably, with the current plans for
expanding the three critical regional offices within Houston and Kansas City, the study considers
restructuring a new type of architecture that incorporates these specific network locations,
determines efficient network performance, enables network security, and how data traffic moves
over the network.
Examples of the essential communication needs
Network security incorporates protecting the data traffic over the network, overall
network infrastructure, and other stored critical data as the business develops and
establishes additional locations.
Continual data flow and traffic between the Kansas office, Houston office, Memphis
office, and Dallas office.
Admissions to the main network applications (HR, VOIP) mainly for communication
over the entire SNHUEnergy Inc. locations.

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FUTURE NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 1 The Future Network Design Students Name Institutional Affiliation Date FUTURE NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 2 Future Prospect Needs for Communication In the last analysis, the recent SNHUEnergy architecture and network infrastructure involve numerous Memphis and Dallas Office locations. Also, involve other divisions, including payroll, operations, accounting, IT, human resources, and other essential applications accessed through the network (VOIP, email, and human resources). The current infrastructure encompasses the system's components, such as the firewall, routers, servers, and switches. Notably, they offer video, data, and voice connectivity externally and internally to users utilizing the (TCP/IP) data traffic (Anastopoulos & Katsikas, 2017). Notably, with the current plans for expanding the three critical regional offices within Houston and Kansas City, the study considers restructuring a new type of architecture that incorporates these specific network locations, determines efficient network performance, enables network security, and how data traffic moves over the network. Examples of the essential communication needs • Network security incorporates protecting the data traffic over the network, overall network infrastructure, and other stored critical data as the business develops and establishes additional locations. • Continual data flow and traffic between the Kansas office, Houston office, Memphis office, and Dallas office. • ...
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