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Everglades University Orlando
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Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name and Title
Assignment Due Date

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Christine Blasey Ford came out with strong allegations against Supreme Court nominee
Brett Kavanaugh. According to Ford, Kavanaugh tried to rape her when they attended a high
school party back in the 1980s (Zhou, 2018). She accounts that he tried to pin her down on a bed,
tried to undress her, and covered her mouth with his hands when she tried to cry for help.
Kavanaugh has denied these allegations. When she testified before the Senate judiciary
committee, the professor of psychology at Palo Alto University relied extensively on her
knowledge of the psychology field. She discussed several aspects ranging from brain chemistry
to anxiety and its risk factors (Ducharme, 2018). However, people are skeptical about how much
she can remember from an event that took place over 30 years ago. The skepticism is reinforced
by the fact that she cannot remember some of the finer details of the event such as how she
managed to travel home in her traumatized state (Healy, 2018). This has been used to prove that
there are gaps in her story.
When assessing traumatic memories, it is important to consider how a human brain stores
and retrieves information. Scientists claim that when faced with a traumatic event the brain will
often be selective on the major details of the event. Emotion-processing clusters within the brain
increase the activity in the memory forming areas. The outcome is usually the formation of
stronger, more reliable memories (Myers & DeWall, 2017). This explains why individuals retain
shocking and exciting experiences for longer. An individual is also likely to rehearse these
events more, making them easier to remember. Further, in the case of arousal, may it be stressful
or emotional, the brain releases a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine that allows it to
concentrate on specific things while ignoring others. Norepinephrine determines what the brain
will and will not prioritize, which makes it possible for an individual to retain and remember

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1 Memory Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name and Title Assignment Due Date 2 Memory Christine Blasey Ford came out with strong allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. According to Ford, Kavanaugh tried to rape her when they attended a high school party back in the 1980s (Zhou, 2018). She accounts that he tried to pin her down on a bed, tried to undress her, and covered her mouth with his hands when she tried to cry for help. Kavanaugh has denied these allegations. When she testified before the Senate judiciary committee, the professor of psychology at Palo Alto University relied extensively on her knowledge of the psychology field. She discussed several aspects ranging from brain chemistry to anxiety and its risk factors (Ducharme, 2018). However, people are skeptical about how much she can remember from an event that took place over 30 years ago. The skepticism is reinforced by the fact that she cannot remember some of the finer details of the event such as how she managed to travel home in her traumatized state (Healy, 2018). This has been used to prove that there are gaps in her story. When assessing traumatic memories, it is important to consider how a human brain stores and retrieves information. Scientists claim that when faced with a traumatic event the brain will often be selective on the major details of the event. Emotion-processing clusters within the brain ...
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