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Barack Obama: A Contemporary Leader
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Barack Obama-The Contemporary Leader
President Obama is one of the most influential persons and leaders in the world today,
almost four years after he left office at the end of 2017. His fame and influence as a leader stem
from his race (mixed, often fronted as black), his leadership approaches, speeches, and conduct.
All of these factors depict a true leader- one who inspires those under and looking up to him.
This is seen in his increased popularity and charity works via his Obama Foundation, a non-
profit dedicated to breeding leaders from all corners of the world.
Three Elements of leadership Characteristics Listen in the Required Text
Through Obama’s public speeches, policies, and overall leadership, he portrays numerous
leader characteristics listed in the text (Box 2.2, page 29) in Grossman & Valiga (2017). He
strived to make a personal connection through caring for others. From the Affordable Care Act
to the Paris Agreement to the contingency measures implemented in the wake of the 2008
economic crisis as soon as he gained office, he always expressed his desire to make life better for
all Americans- normal Americans, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or political affiliation.
He also challenged systematic racial discrimination that is rampant in US society through
challenging long-held traditions and assumptions, including racial discrimination, police
brutality, immigration, and women’s rights (Asher, 2019). He holds one of the most
consequential policy records of any American president, most of which have been reversed by
President Donald Trump. The fact that he was the first non-white American president inspires
others to act, pursue their dreams. His ambition and belief in himself are explained via his
campaign slogan, ‘Yes we can!’
Obama’s Followers

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Running Head: BARACK OBAMA: A CONTEMPORARY LEADER Barack Obama: A Contemporary Leader Your Name Class Date 1 BARACK OBAMA: A CONTEMPORARY LEADER 2 Barack Obama-The Contemporary Leader President Obama is one of the most influential persons and leaders in the world today, almost four years after he left office at the end of 2017. His fame and influence as a leader stem from his race (mixed, often fronted as black), his leadership approaches, speeches, and conduct. All of these factors depict a true leader- one who inspires those under and looking up to him. This is seen in his increased popularity and charity works via his Obama Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to breeding leaders from all corners of the world. Three Elements of leadership Characteristics Listen in the Required Text Through Obama’s public speeches, policies, and overall leadership, he portrays numerous leader characteristics listed in the text (Box 2.2, page 29) in Grossman & Valiga (2017). He strived to make a personal connection through caring for others. From the Affordable Care Act to the Paris Agreement to the contingency measures implemented in the wake of the 2008 economic crisis as soon as he gained office, he always expressed his desire to make life better for all Americans- normal Americans, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or political affiliation. He also challenged systematic racial discrimination that is rampant in US society through challenging long-held traditions and assumptions, ...
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