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Samsung Gear Vr Marketing.edited

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Cuyahoga Community College
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Samsung Gear VR
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Samsung Gear VR
Brand description and positioning statement
Samsung released Samsung Gear VR, adding a brand new and innovative product, the VR
headset, to its broad brand portfolio. Samsung VR used the Samsung Galaxy smartphones to
enhance the VR experience for its users. With the device, smartphone users could plug their phones
into the headset and then head over to enjoy the numerous virtual reality games and videos. In
2016, it was availed in stores, and a year later, the world box office sales were mainly made of
mobile game revenues. The current digital VR market and competition are quite a stiff market by
intense competition from global brands such as Samsung, Microsoft, and Google. The sale of
Samsung VR in the year of its launch, 2016, was $4.5 million. Its positioning in the market is such
that it is the most affordable VR product. Alzahrani et al. (2017) analyzed the VR market revealing
that while some customers could be skeptical about the long-term growth of VR, its growth could
be exponential in the near future.
The primary target audience and segment
The primary target audience of Samsung Gear VR is the product innovator consumer
groups. These are customers who adopt new technologies early, and as per Chiu, Fang, & Tseng
(2010), it can help create reviews that would help in further perfecting the new product. Most of
these customers make about 2.5% of the technology users, while the early innovators make up
13.5%. Samsung Gear VR is still in the early stages of diffusion innovation, meaning that the
brand's customers are only the innovators and the early adopters. This also grants Samsung a
chance to make revamps to its Samsung Gear VR before the early majority can begin to make

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SAMSUNG GEAR VR 1 Samsung Gear VR Student’s Name Institution Course Code Date SAMSUNG GEAR VR 2 Samsung Gear VR Brand description and positioning statement Samsung released Samsung Gear VR, adding a brand new and innovative product, the VR headset, to its broad brand portfolio. Samsung VR used the Samsung Galaxy smartphones to enhance the VR experience for its users. With the device, smartphone users could plug their phones into the headset and then head over to enjoy the numerous virtual reality games and videos. In 2016, it was availed in stores, and a year later, the world box office sales were mainly made of mobile game revenues. The current digital VR market and competition are quite a stiff market by intense competition from global brands such as Samsung, Microsoft, and Google. The sale of Samsung VR in the year of its launch, 2016, was $4.5 million. Its positioning in the market is such that it is the most affordable VR product. Alzahrani et al. (2017) analyzed the VR market revealing that while some customers could be skeptical about the long-term growth of VR, its growth could be exponential in the near future. The primary target audience and segment The primary target audience of Samsung Gear VR is the product innovator consumer groups. These are customers who adopt new technologies early, and as per Chiu, Fang, & Tseng (2010), it can help create reviews that would help in further perfecting the new product. Most of these customers make about 2.5% of ...
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