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Frail Elderly.edited

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Florida International University
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Running head: FRAIL
Frail Elderly
Student’ Name
Instructor’s Name

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Many of them have health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, asthma, cataract, and
anemia, accompanied by hypertension. Around 68% of the patients claimed that indifference
was the mindset of citizens against the elderly. The association between age and frailty is
attributable to the regulation of chronic inflammation by exogenous and endogenous agents
that affect cellular oxygen development. This results in disruption to DNA and triggers cell
modifications with inflammatory process dysregulation, apoptosis, necrosis, and replication,
resulting in detrimental disorders, including osteoporosis or vulnerability. ("developing
through the lifespan study guide," 2020)
Frail older adults remain at risk of harmful effects and are the most critical users in
both acute and neighborhood health resources environments. This treatment of elderly seniors
requires both structured structures and communities. This book explores health care
challenges for fragile older adults and investigates the role of fragility in the potential health
care environment. It also raises obstacles for future treatment, innovative ideas being tried and
discussed at the moment, and recommendations for possible goals for nursing. Challenges in
treating vulnerable elders include coordination and continuity of the support spectrum,
distribution of money, and service delivery cultural competence. Intensive case management
services, addressing elderly people at risk, collaborations with families, increased
telemedicine and assistive devices, and encouraging healthier aging are innovative strategies.
Via clinical practice, curriculum, leadership, and science, nurses can promote elderly well-
being across environments. ("developing through the lifespan study guide," 2020)

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Running head: FRAIL ELDERLY 1 Frail Elderly Student’ Name Instructor’s Name Institute Dated FRAIL ELDERLY 2 FRAIL ELDERLY Summary Many of them have health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, asthma, cataract, and anemia, accompanied by hypertension. Around 68% of the patients claimed that indifference was the mindset of citizens against the elderly. The association between age and frailty is attributable to the regulation of chronic inflammation by exogenous and endogenous agents that affect cellular oxygen development. This results in disruption to DNA and triggers cell modifications with inflammatory process dysregulation, apoptosis, necrosis, and replication, resulting in detrimental disorders, including osteoporosis or vulnerability. ("developing through the lifespan study guide," 2020) Frail older adults remain at risk of harmful effects and are the most critical users in both acute and neighborhood health resources environments. This treatment of elderly seniors requires both structured structures and communities. This book explores health care challenges for fragile older adults and investigates the role of fragility in the potential health care environment. It also raises obstacles for future treatment, innovative ideas being tried and discussed at the moment, and recommendations for possible goals for nursing. Challenges in treating vulnerable elders include coordination and continuity of the support spectrum, distribution of money, and service delivery ...
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