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Managing Risks In Alaska Fly Fishing Expedition

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Managing Risks in Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition

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Managing Risks in Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition
Project risk management involves identification, analysis, and response to any risk that
may arise during a project life cycle. It is carried out to ensure that the project stays on track and
the goals are met. It should be a proactive process and so needs to be part of the planning
process. Risks are potentialities which must be addressed. In the Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition
project, it would involve prioritizing the high, medium, and low priority risks. The risks in fly-
fishing are many, and having a good understanding of them would ensure that an effective risk
management strategy is in place for preparing the participants. An effective risk management
process begins with identifying the risks involved by brainstorming or brainwriting. Second is to
analyze the risk, and that involves determining how likely the risks are to happen. The third step
involves prioritizing the risks given that not all the risks will be created equally. The evaluation
will also help one to decide on which resources they would assemble when resolving the risk.
The next steps will involve assigning responsibilities, responding, and monitoring the risks.
Potential Risks Associated with Fly-Fishing Expeditions
The potential risk linked to fly-fishing are many, and they include falling in water which
could lead to drowning. During casting, individuals can be hit by a rod or knock other occupants
in the boat. The participants could potentially be hit by lightning given that they are earthed to
the water, and when using graphite roads, there is the potential of being hit because the person is
standing and their roads are the highest points. People can wander off a given track and could
slip and fall. During fishing, there is a potential risk of wading especially in deep and fast waters.
Hooks can also injure the user or others around them, given that they are sharp and also come in
to contact with bacteria. Algae such as the blue and green ones can be toxic. The fishing

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Running head: MANAGING RISKS 1 Managing Risks in Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition Name Institution Instructor Date MANAGING RISKS 2 Managing Risks in Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition Introduction Project risk management involves identification, analysis, and response to any risk that may arise during a project life cycle. It is carried out to ensure that the project stays on track and the goals are met. It should be a proactive process and so needs to be part of the planning process. Risks are potentialities which must be addressed. In the Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition project, it would involve prioritizing the high, medium, and low priority risks. The risks in flyfishing are many, and having a good understanding of them would ensure that an effective risk management strategy is in place for preparing the participants. An effective risk management process begins with identifying the risks involved by brainstorming or brainwriting. Second is to analyze the risk, and that involves determining how likely the risks are to happen. The third step involves prioritizing the risks given that not all the risks will be created equally. The evaluation will also help one to decide on which resources they would assemble when resolving the risk. The next steps will involve assigning responsibilities, responding, and monitoring the risks. Potential Risks Associated with Fly-Fishing Expeditions The potential risk linked to fly-fishing are many, and they include falling in water which could le ...
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