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Personality Formation Assignment

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Rasmussen University
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Personality Formation
Within healthcare situations such as these, it can be difficult to determine what decisions
should be made when an adult is still under the financial help of their parents and how disputes
can be worked out with healthcare professionals if there are any issues present. In this particular
case, the young adult claimed that the treatment he was getting was not good and that he did not
want to pay the remaining balance to Maury. Because Maury is a new clinical psychologist, there
are some things that he needs to learn when starting out in this field. For one, he should be less
concerned about the balance and outstanding funds and more concerned about the well-being and
satisfaction of his client. What he can do so that they money does not go wasted is encourage the
young adult to continue his treatment to see if anything else comes out of it that is beneficial for
him. Maury’s sole concern should be able to client’s health and how to provide the best therapy
for them. Maury can do this by speaking with the client’s parents, if permitted.
From an ethical standpoint, Maury would need to focus on which treatment would be best
suited for his client because if not, this could affect his reputation and license as a clinical
psychologist. He must stay professional within his field. One way in which Maury can prevent
instances like this from happening again is through the client paying in advance in full rather
than smaller payments, that way, therapy can be completed and if not satisfied, the money can be
returned. Aiming for the completion of treatment would be the best option and the most ethical
for Maury to advance towards.

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[Your Name Here] [Course Title] [Date Here] Personality Formation Within healthcare situations such as these, it can be difficult to determine what decisions should be made when an adult is still under the financial help of their parents and how disputes can be worked out with healthcare professiona ...
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