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Security As A Service.edited

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Computer Science
New England University
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Running head: SECURITY 1
Security as a Service is a good investment

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Reasons Why Security as a Service is a good investment
In the wake of increased cybercrime, there is an increased need to invest in good
security. Therefore, for businesses and other organizations to secure their business networks,
there is a need to use Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS). Indeed, Security-as-a-Service is an
excellent investment because it protects the network against new threats (AlSudiary, 2015).
The cyberattack strategies and the types of malware used by cybercriminals are continually
evolving, hence the need to invest in a good security solution. Besides, security is a collective
good because the investment deters the occurrence of threats that would have otherwise
jeopardized public or private data. As stated by Krahmann (2008), "security which is achieved
by preventing or diminishing a threat is a collective good because it is non-excludable and non-
rival.” This implies that Security-as-a-Service benefits beneficiaries from the positive impacts
of a diminished threat. Security-as-a-Service is a good investment because it facilitates
collective good by protecting new and existing business threats.
Security-as-a-Service is a good investment, particularly because it eliminates or lowers
the complexity levels in an organization. Security-as-a-Service is ideal for business owners and
government agencies alike because it facilitates reduced computation complexity of public-
key algorithm with ECDSA (AlSudiary, 2015). There are many items and components to
monitor during the entire process of setting up effective and credible cybersecurity for a
business entity. Missing any of the components or items can increase the business network's
susceptibility, making it to be compromised by cybercriminals. Even for a skilled security
provider/specialist, the setup process for effective network security tends to be complex and
costly at some point. "For many organizations, managed wireless security services take the
complexity out of securing and monitoring a network, and can dramatically reduce the overall
cost (AirMagnet, 2009). For instance, in larger organizations, setting up cybersecurity
solutions incorporates significant complexities, and costs of setup and maintenance costs

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Running head: SECURITY 1 Security as a Service is a good investment Name Institution Date SECURITY 2 Reasons Why Security as a Service is a good investment In the wake of increased cybercrime, there is an increased need to invest in good security. Therefore, for businesses and other organizations to secure their business networks, there is a need to use Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS). Indeed, Security-as-a-Service is an excellent investment because it protects the network against new threats (AlSudiary, 2015). The cyberattack strategies and the types of malware used by cybercriminals are continually evolving, hence the need to invest in a good security solution. Besides, security is a collective good because the investment deters the occurrence of threats that would have otherwise jeopardized public or private data. As stated by Krahmann (2008), "security which is achieved by preventing or diminishing a threat is a collective good because it is non-excludable and nonrival.” This implies that Security-as-a-Service benefits beneficiaries from the positive impacts of a diminished threat. Security-as-a-Service is a good investment because it facilitates collective good by prote ...
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