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Patent Law Case studies

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Patent Law Case studies 2
Question I - Claire is severely injured in a car accident. The local hospital cannot treat
Claire’s injuries. In order to survive, Claire must be flown via helicopter to a hospital in a
bordering state. Prior to boarding the helicopter, Claire signs a contract obligating her to pay
for the helicopter flight and all of its expenses. Claire lives and fully recovers. However, she
is being sued by the helicopter company in the amount of $50,000 for helicopter
transportation and its accompanying expenses. What is an argument Claire could make in
order to rescind the agreement? Does it matter that the helicopter company performed its
obligation under the contract?
For any contract agreement to be legally enforceable, the parties bounded by the contract
must be legally capacitated to enter into the contract. The capacitation of the parties of the contract
can be address by age limitation and or mental sanity.
- Age capacity demands that the parties before entering into a legally binding contract must
be of minimum age. If one of the parties is a minor (in most states, below 18 years old) as
defined by the law of the state, the contract is deemed to be voidable. That is, the minor is
legally provided the option to dishonor the contract if they so choose. On the other hand, the
doctrine of necessaries prohibits a minor from dishonoring a contractual agreement upon
reaching majority (Jennings, 2018, p. 412). Such necessaries may include food, clothing,
and medical treatments. As in Yale Diagnostic Radiology v Estate of Fountain 838 A.2d 179
(Conn. 2003) (Jennings, 2018, p. 412) where Harun Fountain, as a minor was shot and
incurred medical bills and later passed away from his injury, and the court held his estate
liable for the medical bills sustained at Yale Diagnostic Radiology.
- Mental capacity requires that the parties to the contract are legally sane and able to
understand their obligation to the contract agreement.

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Running Head: PATENT LAW CASE STUDIES Patent Law Case studies Name Institution Date 1 Patent Law Case studies 2 Question I - Claire is severely injured in a car accident. The local hospital cannot treat Claire’s injuries. In order to survive, Claire must be flown via helicopter to a hospital in a bordering state. Prior to boarding the helicopter, Claire signs a contract obligating her to pay for the helicopter flight and all of its expenses. Claire lives and fully recovers. However, she is being sued by the helicopter company in the amount of $50,000 for helicopter transportation and its accompanying expenses. What is an argument Claire could make in order to rescind the agreement? Does it matter that the helicopter company performed its obligation under the contract? For any contract agreement to be legally enforceable, the parties bounded by the contract must be legally capacitated to enter into the contract. The capacitation of the parties of the contract can be address by age limitation and or mental sanity. - Age capacity demands that the parties before entering into a legally binding contract must be of minimum age. If one of the parties is a minor (in most states, below 18 years old) as defined by the law of the state, the contract is deemed to be voidable. That is, the minor is legally provided the option to dishonor the contract if they so choose. On the other hand, the doctrine of necessaries prohibits a minor from dishonoring a contractual agreement u ...
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