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Supply Chain

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Stanford University
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Running Head: SUPPLY CHAIN 1
Supply Chain
Student’s name
Course Name and Number
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Supply Chain
The supply chain has changed over time by increasing its productivity due to
technological advancement. Technology has played an essential role in making the supply chain
global. The use of artificial intelligence has helped to assess the risk factors and how to manage
or avoid risks. The major challenge that is yet to be solved is the visibility of the supply chain. In
the future, the supply chain is going to be used as the profit center, and those that will benefit the
most are the shippers, where they can leverage assets that are idle. In the world of the supply
chain, executives are aware of the major risks involved and they can use predictive analysis and
make the appropriate decisions before responding to a crisis. Since the supply chain is global, it
is essential for the people involved in supply change to make predictions using the right data, as
information is very crucial when making decisions. It is also advisable to have an alternative
supply chain in case there is a disruption in the supply chain, and this can be possible if the
executives have a long-term strategy (SupplyChainBrain, 2020).

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Running Head: SUPPLY CHAIN 1 Supply Chain Student’s name Course Name and Number Instructor’s name Date SUPPLY CHAIN 2 Supply Chain The supply chain has changed over time by increasing its productivity due to technological advancement. Technology has played an essential role in making the supply chain global. The use of artificial intelligence has helped to assess the risk factors and how to manage or avoid risks. The major challenge that is yet to be solved is the visibility of the supply chain. In the future, the supply chain is going to be used as the profit center, and those that will benefit the most are the shippers, where they can leverage assets that are idle. In the world of the supply chain, executives are aware of the major risks involved and they can use predictive analysis and make the appropriate decisions before responding to a crisis. Since the supply chain is gl ...
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