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Discussion Questions 2

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Saudi electronic university
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Discussion Questions

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Discussion Questions
Motivation and learning drive my performance and commitment to my daily activities.
Sometimes when I am in class, I read about the lives of some of the prominent people in the
world, their early life, progress, and the progress they have made at their current stage. The
hardships they have experienced in their early lives motivates me to a great extent. I reflect on
their problems and compare them with mine, and I always see significant differences, and my
challenges are not as severe as theirs when they were still struggling. I ask myself this question;
if they made it, why not me? The question keeps ringing up in my mind, which motivates me to
work even harder. I also read about critical motivational quotes to raise my morale. I also reflect
on where I have come from, the dreams I have, and I speak unto myself and say, “I cannot give
up.” Just as Disney (2014) states, “our dreams can come true only if we pursue them.”
The eagerness and resilience to learn new things re-energizes my commitment towards
the achievement of my life goals. I like making mistakes because I will learn from them, and
during my next step, I will be careful because I will have a critical understanding of how and
where mistakes might be realized. Consequently, I like searching for short clips about the life
lessons of some re-known people in the world to pick a few essential items from their
experiences to build my rejuvenating experience. I am a good listener, which ensures that I listen
to what people say, pick two or three points, and involve them in my plans. Therefore, learning
and commitment serve as my crucial performance and commitment tools.

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1 Discussion Questions Name Institution DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 2 Discussion Questions Motivation and learning drive my performance and commitment to my daily activities. Sometimes when I am in class, I read about the lives of some of the prominent people in the world, their early life, progress, and the progress they have made at their current stage. The hardships they have experienced in their early lives motivates me to a great extent. I reflect on their problems and compare them with mine, and I always see significant differences, and my challenges are not as severe as theirs when they were still struggling. I ask myself this question; if they made it, why not me? The question keeps ringing up in my mind, which motivates me to work even harder. I also read about critical motivational quotes to raise my morale. I also reflect on where I have come from, the dreams I have, and I speak ...
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