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20201121201347exercise15 Skill Check Online Fa2020.edited

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Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District Discussion
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Exercise15: DNA, Genes, NAME: _____________________________
Chromosomes and Cancer Section: ____________________________
Skill Check Worksheet
Activity 1: Extraction of DNA
1) Explain why you think each of the following steps of the procedures was necessary to the
extraction process:
a) Blending the mixture of peas, salt, and water in the blender
Bleeding the mixture of peas, salt, and water in the blender helps in tearing apart the
cells, increasing surface area for DNA extraction.
b) Adding the detergent to the mixture
Detergent acts as a cell lysis solution. Adding the detergent to the mixture helps in the
lysis of the cell membranes, and nuclear membrane to expose the DNA molecules.
c) Adding the meat tenderizer
Meat tenderizers help in the digestion of protein contaminants present in an extracted
DNA molecule. The genomic DNA has a protective layer of protein molecules.
2) How might you go about proving that the material that was extracted is DNA?
A Nanodrop (UV-VIS) spectrophotometer can be used to quantify DNA samples. It
can calculate DNA concentration and show the level of protein and RNA

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Loading extracted DNA molecule alongside a standard DNA ladder on separate wells
in agarose gel electrophoresis and checking the presence of DNA bands in a gel
imager. DNA bands should appear slightly above wells loaded with DNA samples.
The molecular weight of the DNA samples is cross-checked with the standard ladder.
3) What other sources could be used to extract DNA?
Bacterial and fungal suspensions
Young plant leaves
Body secretions
Body tissues.
Activity 2: DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, and Cancer
Answer each of the following questions from the perspective of the genetic counselor.
Question 1: My doctor told me that I have breast cancer, but no one in my family has ever
had breast cancer? Why did I get it? I thought that breast cancer was inherited. She told
me that it is due to changes in my genes, but I do not understand how changes in my genes
can cause cancer.
The genetic composition of the breast cells can change gradually due to obesity,
inheritance exposure to radiation, and chemicals that cause mutation. Exposure to dangerous
radiation and eating food products that contain mutagens can cause a mutation that alters the
DNA base sequence resulting in the formation of malignant tumor cells that migrate to other

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Exercise15: DNA, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer Skill Check Worksheet NAME: _____________________________ Section: ____________________________ Activity 1: Extraction of DNA 1) Explain why you think each of the following steps of the procedures was necessary to the extraction process: a) Blending the mixture of peas, salt, and water in the blender Bleeding the mixture of peas, salt, and water in the blender helps in tearing apart the cells, increasing surface area for DNA extraction. b) Adding the detergent to the mixture Detergent acts as a cell lysis solution. Adding the detergent to the mixture helps in the lysis of the cell membranes, and nuclear membrane to expose the DNA molecules. c) Adding the meat tenderizer Meat tenderizers help in the digestion of protein contaminants present in an extracted DNA molecule. The genomic DNA has a protective layer of protein molecules. 2) How mi ...
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