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Framework For Population Health.edited

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Colorado Technical University
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Framework for Population Health
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Framework for Population Health
Describe and discuss how Healthy People 2020 Leading Heath Indicators focus on
health of populations.
According to the CDC, Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators address
determinants of health that promote quality of life, healthy behaviors, and healthy
development across all life stages to improve Americans' lives. However, there are some that
focus on individual health. The health of populations can be broadly described as a health
measure that focuses on a larger population like a community or national health. Healthy
People 2020 Leading Health Indicators is subjected to improving national health, which is
basically a population health improvement strategy. The American health system is the
largest spender of the nation's GDP, despite the relatively lower life expectancy than other
developed countries (, 2019). Based on this fact, it is important to outline a strategy
that will help improve the national health, and Healthy People 2020 Leading Health
Indicators have shown a large stride towards achieving that. One of the objectives under the
Leading Health Indicators is Persons with diagnosed diabetes whose A1c value is greater
than 9% (, 2019). This in itself is an indication that the Leading Health Indicators
have focused on the health populations, rather than individuals, in this case, the population of
people with diabetes with an A1c that is more than 9%.
Provide 1 specific example to support and explicate how you integrate Healthy People
2020 into your current nurse role. Note: If you do not currently incorporate Healthy
People 2020 into your current nurse role, how will you apply these concepts now for
Healthy People 2020 is a national framework that guides healthcare practitioners on
the best ways to improve Americans' individual and national health. Incorporating these

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Running head: POPULATION HEALTH AND INDIVIDUAL HEALTH Framework for Population Health Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 POPULATION HEALTH AND INDIVIDUAL HEALTH 2 Framework for Population Health Describe and discuss how Healthy People 2020 Leading Heath Indicators focus on health of populations. According to the CDC, Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators address determinants of health that promote quality of life, healthy behaviors, and healthy development across all life stages to improve Americans' lives. However, there are some that focus on individual health. The health of populations can be broadly described as a health measure that focuses on a larger population like a community or national health. Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators is subjected to improving national health, which is basically a population health improvement strategy. The American health system is the largest spender of the nation's GDP, despite the relatively lower life expectancy than other developed countries (, 2019). Based on this fact, it is important to outline a strategy that will help improve the national health, and Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators have shown a large stride towards achieving that. One of the objectives under the Leading Health Indicators is Persons with diagnosed diabetes whose A1c value is greater than 9% (, 2019). This in itself is an indication that the Leading Health Indicators have focused on the health populat ...
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Very useful material for studying!


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