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Open Ended Questions.

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Social Science
University of Phoenix
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Open-Ended Questions
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Open-Ended Questions
Generally, counselors ask questions before, during, and after counseling sessions. They use
questions to learn unexpected and essential things from their clients. Questioning clients allows
counselors to get a better handle on how to proceed and what care to give. However, the way a
counselor asks questions matters a lot regarding what and how much to discover. Ideally, open-
ended questions allow someone to provide a free-form answer. Some of the benefits of open-
ended questions include; benefit from unexpected information from the client. This technique
helps to give insights from the client's perspectives. Thus, counselors can identify the problem
through the answers provided by clients. The other benefit is that counselors understand how
their clients think. This is because the question type given allows clients to include their
comments and thoughts.
Apart from this, the other benefit of open-ended questions is that it helps clients feel more
engaged in the therapeutic process. Counselors take questioning as the opportunity to engage
their clients, which creates a feeling that triggers clients to contribute to the process. Some
examples of open-ended questions to use with clients include; how satisfied or dissatisfied are
you with this therapy process? What would you like to talk about today? When does the problem
occur? Now that you have solved the problem, what’s next? Besides this, silence is a powerful
counseling skill that helps counselors better understand and listen to clients (Kulzer & Beck,
2018). In addition to this, the silence deepens therapeutic insight, facilitate the client's internal
reflection, and solicit a response from the client. Through silence, counselors give clients space
and time to answer their questions. Silence also helps in the reflecting process to ensure that
counselors organize their thoughts and identify an appropriate response. Through silence and

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OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS 1 Open-Ended Questions Student’s Name Institution Year OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS 2 Open-Ended Questions Generally, counselors ask questions before, during, and after counseling sessions. They use questions to learn unexpected and essential things from their clients. Questioning clients allows counselors to get a better handle on how to proceed and what care to give. However, the way a counselor asks questions matters a lot regarding what and how much to discover. Ideally, openended questions allow someone to provide a free-form answer. Some of the benefits of openended questions include; benefit from unexpected information from the client. This technique helps to give insights from the client's perspectives. Thus, counselors can identify the problem through the answers provided by clients. The other benefit is that counselors understand how their clients think. This is because the question type given allows clients to include their comments and thoughts. Apart from this, the other benefit of open-ended questions is that it helps clients feel more engaged in the therapeutic process. Counselors take questioning as the opportunity to engage their clients, which ...
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