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Patent Law

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Campbellsville University
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Running Head: PATENT LAW 1
Patent Law

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Question I - The year is 2012, and the light bulb has not yet been invented. Thomas Edison and
Nikola Tesla are in a bitter feud to see who can bring electricity to the masses first. In this
alternative history, it is indisputable that Tesla invented the lightbulb first. However, Edison filed
his lightbulb patent prior to Tesla. According to the law in 2012, who holds the patent to the
According to the law in 2012, the holder of the patent could be either Edison or Tesla.
This is because irrespective of the actual events that relate to the inventions that concern a
particular patent issued to an individual, the holder of the patent is the person who successfully
files the patent first (Brody et al., 2017). In this case, the actual person behind the invention is
Nikola Tesla. Therefore, Nikola Tesla should get the patent, but in this case, Thomas Edison files
a patent ahead of him. Thus, if the patent application is successful, then Thomas Edison is the
patent holder of the invention's patent rights.
However, there could be a happening during the patent application process that could
cause the patent application by Thomas Edison to be unsuccessful. If Nikola Tesla files a patent
application as well, which is for the same invention and the patent application goes through
successfully, he would become the patent rights holder of that invention.

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Running Head: PATENT LAW 1 Patent Law Name: Institution: Date: PATENT LAW 2 PATENT LAW Question I - The year is 2012, and the light bulb has not yet been invented. Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are in a bitter feud to see who can bring electricity to the masses first. In this alternative history, it is indisputable that Tesla invented the lightbulb first. However, Edison filed his lightbulb patent prior to Tesla. According to the law in 2012, who holds the patent to the lightbulb? According to the law in 2012, the holder of the patent could be either Edison or Tesla. This is because irrespective of the actual events that relate to the inventions that concern a particular patent issued to an individual, the holder of the patent is the person who successfully files the patent first (Brody et al., 2017). In this case, the actual person behind the invention is Nikola Tesla. Therefore, Nikola Tesla should get the patent, but in this case, Thomas Edison files a patent ahead of him. Thus, if the patent application is successful, then Thomas Edison is the patent holder of the invention's patent rights. However, there could be a happening during the patent application process that cou ...
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