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20200929020737mandela 1

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Political Science
State University of New York
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Due to his revolutionary work eliminating racism from the South African Government, Nelson
Mandela should go down in history as a freedom fighter. Unfortunately, many people throughout
the world view him as a terrorist due to innocent lives lost during his campaign to free South
Africa from unfair racial laws, but they forget that no revolution can be won without casualties.
For example, many innocent lives were lost in the bombing of Hiroshima, but no one sees that
as a terrorist attack, only as retaliation. Mandela was retaliating against years of racial
discrimination, and he did so in the name of freedom for his brethren. This position was
eventually taken by Present George Bush as well who signed a bill in 2008 removing Mandela
from the terrorism watch list, a list he was only a part of because the apartheid South African
government support the U.S. during the Cold War.

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Due to his revolutionary work eliminating racism from the South African Government, Nelson Mandela should go down in history as a freedom fighter. Unfortunately, many people throughout the world view him as a terrorist due to innocent lives lost during his campaign to free South Africa from unfair r ...
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