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Annotation Worksheet

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San Diego State University
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Annotation Worksheet
Source: Oluo, I. (2019). So you want to talk about race. Hachette UK.
I. Rhetorical Context (Who wrote it or created it? Why was it written? What is it
trying to do to or for its readers? What is it? Where does it appear? When was it
published? What is its genre?)
Chapter 5 was written by a queer black woman who wants to show the world the
oppression black women go through in their lives. The text aims to invoke the emotions
of the reader and show them that black women are the most oppressed group in society,
even oppressed by black men.
II. Summary (What does the text say? What are its main points? What did you find
most interesting or important?)
This chapter focuses on the role of black women in society and their place in the social
hierarchy. The chapter focuses on a black woman, who would receive criticism for
outlaying a black man's faults in the world. She is attacked by other black individuals,
including women, who state that she has joined white oppressors in discriminating
against black women (Oluo, 2019). This article sheds some light on intersectionality, how
black women are subject to numerous fields of oppression: race and gender. The article
points out that as a black woman, she is seen as a woman and black.
Chapter 6 speaks about police brutality in the country and its occurrence for some
time. Every black person in America is afraid that they might get killed when they
interact with the police. The chapter focuses on the flaws of the American police system,
how it protects white people and shows little regard for black people and other people of
III. What are THREE golden lines from the text? (Quotes that stood out the most.)

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Annotation Worksheet
Quote 1: "I was the house Negro, the high-yellow bed wench who'd spread her legs for
her white master."
Evaluation/Significance of the Quote (Why did you choose it?): The author makes this
statement to show the perception people have about her for attacking a black man's
actions. The statement is crucial in showing the vulgarity of the attacks against the
woman and showing how they are quickly given oppressors' title for speaking out against
immoral values
Quote 2: "As a black, queer, middle-class woman, my queer identity may often be
overlooked by anti-racist or feminist movements; my female identity may be overlooked
by anti-racist or queer movements; my black identity may be overlooked by feminist or
queer movements, and my middle-class identity may well cause me to overlook poor
people in all movements.
Evaluation/Significance of the Quote (Why did you choose it?): This statement is crucial
to the article since it paints a clear picture for the reader the real meaning of
Quote 3: "Our police force was not created to serve black Americans; it was created to
police black Americans and serve white Americans."
Evaluation/Significance of the Quote (Why did you choose it?): This statement sheds
light on the issue of police brutality in the country and racism. The statement shows a
fine line between police brutality and racism, with the police being termed as a service to
white people and a force to manage black people.
IV. Evaluation (Is the text convincing? Why or why not? What new knowledge did
you get from reading this text?)

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Annotation Worksheet Source: Oluo, I. (2019). So you want to talk about race. Hachette UK. I. Rhetorical Context (Who wrote it or created it? Why was it written? What is it trying to do to or for its readers? What is it? Where does it appear? When was it published? What is its genre?) Chapter 5 was written by a queer black woman who wants to show the world the oppression black women go through in their lives. The text aims to invoke the emotions of the reader and show them that black women are the most oppressed group in society, even oppressed by black men. II. Summary (What does the text say? What are its main points? What did you find most interesting or important?) This chapter focuses on the role of black women in society and their place in the social hierarchy. The chapter focuses on a black woman, who would receive criticism for outlaying a black man's faults in the world. S ...
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