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Spss Statistics

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Abraham Lincoln University
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SPSS Analysis
SPSS Statistics: Exploring Student Success

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SPSS Analysis
There are many factors that influence student success in college. This project will use
fictious data to explore the impact of many key factors and characteristics on college success using
a range of statistical methods within SASS. Most of the analyses will focus on the ACT test, a
standardized test used in the college admissions process.
Part 1: T-Test
1. T-Test for a single sample
Most college freshmen enter university directly after finishing high school. This first
hypothesis test will validate this by conducting a t-test for a single sample on participant age. The
null hypothesis is that the mean age is 18 while the alternative hypothesis states that the mean age
is actually higher than 18:
H0: µ = 18
Ha: µ > 18
A t-test will be used because the population standard deviation for age at this specific
fictious college is unknown. First, the distribution will be checked for normalcy using a Q-Q plot:
As most of the data is close to the line, except for a few outliers in the mid-20s, the data is normal
enough to apply a t-test. It is important to note that age is measured in whole years, so overlapping
data points are not visualized.
Results from the t-test are:

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SPSS Analysis 1 SPSS Statistics: Exploring Student Success Name Date Course SPSS Analysis 2 There are many factors that influence student success in college. This project will use fictious data to explore the impact of many key factors and characteristics on college success using a range of statistical methods within SASS. Most of the analyses will focus on the ACT test, a standardized test used in the college admissions process. Part 1: T-Test 1. T-Test for a single sample Most college freshmen enter university directly after finishing high school. This first hypothesis test will validate this by conducting a t-test for a single sample on participant age. The null hypothesis is that the mean age is 18 while the alternative hypothesis states that the mean age is actually higher than 18: H0: µ = 18 Ha: µ > 18 A t-test will be used because the population standard deviation for age at this specific fictious college is unknown. First, the distribution will be checked for normalcy using a Q-Q plot: As most of the data is close to the line, except for a few outliers in the mid-20s, the data is normal enough to apply a t-test. It is important to note that age is measured in whole years, so overlapping data points are not visualized. Results from the t-test are: SPSS Analysis 3 Therefore, the t-statistic is 3.467 with corresponds to a one-tailed significance of 0.001. The 95% confidence interval is (0.55, 2.12), which is entirely above zero. Together, these results sug ...
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