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NETWORK MONITORING BY: STUDENT NAME Introduction ▪ With the rise in technology, networks have been created and they have greatly increased over the last few years. ▪ As a result, many computer devices have been connected forming networks worldwide. ▪ With the connection of devices, these network need to be monitored. What would happen if a network is left unmonitored? ▪ This is what happens, anyone who wishes to access the information can. Then, they would be able do whatever they want with the information, destroy it, modify it, or even use it for malicious gains. ▪ Another thing is that identification of faults and performance is easier when the network is being monitored. ▪ With network monitoring, it ensures that authorized parties access information in the right manner and any malicious activities can be tracked down. Network monitoring ▪ Looking at network monitoring, this is monitoring all the components in a network. ▪ When a network is not being monitored, it is difficult to identify the faulty devices or the devices that have been compromised. ▪ Therefore, network monitoring ensures that the devices in a network are effectively monitored, keeping track of performance and efficiency of the devices. Proactive network monitoring Network monitoring proactivity. ▪ To be efficient in monitoring a network, one should always be keen. ▪ Therefore, the necessity of proactive monitoring. ▪ Proactive network monitoring means th ...
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