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Negotiation Strengths And Weaknesses

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Queens University of Charlotte
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Negotiation strengths and weaknesses
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Negotiation strengths and weaknesses
Negotiation is essential in everyday day life, whether it is for personal or business
purposes. I truly believe in the words of Chester L. Karass, "in business as in life, and you don't
get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate." Negotiation is a fact of life that cannot be
avoided, and the more one becomes skillful about it, the more it becomes fun. Therefore,
becoming tremendous and effective is helpful. Preparation is critical in the negotiation where one
understands their interests and the interests of the other party. This allows the negotiator to rich
the desired solution where each party has achieved its goals. The negotiator has to learn their
strengths, weaknesses, and sources of power. A negotiator should understand that different
situations and parties should be treated differently. In some instances, effective communication,
good relationship, or creativity become the critical factor in determining the negotiation's
success. I consider negotiating in different situations a learning opportunity where to realize
negotiation strengths and weaknesses.
Negotiation strengths and weaknesses
I have gained a new approach in the negotiation where is focus on attaining a win/win
goal, where the other party feels comfortable negotiating with me in a different situation. I have
learned to communicate when I think that negotiation can help me achieve specific goals
(Eunson, 2020). One of the negotiations where I communicated, and it was helpful, was when I
was late to do an online test. I accidentally opened an online test which I was not prepared to
undertake. I communicated to my professor that I was not prepared to take it, and was unwilling
to allow me to do it another time. I took an extra step and went to visit my professor in his office.
I explained to him that I was under a strict deadline at work and could not do the text at the time.
This was helpful, and the professor agreed to reopen the test.

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1 Negotiation strengths and weaknesses Student's Name Institution Course Instructor Date 2 Negotiation strengths and weaknesses Negotiation is essential in everyday day life, whether it is for personal or business purposes. I truly believe in the words of Chester L. Karass, "in business as in life, and you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate." Negotiation is a fact of life that cannot be avoided, and the more one becomes skillful about it, the more it becomes fun. Therefore, becoming tremendous and effective is helpful. Preparation is critical in the negotiation where one understands their interests and the interests of the other party. This allows the negotiator to rich the desired solution where each party has achieved its goals. The negotiator has to learn their strengths, weaknesses, and sources of power. A negotiator should understand that different situations and parties should be treated differently. In some instances, effective communication, good relationship, or creativity become the critical factor in determining the negotiation's success. I consider negotiating in different situations a learning opportunity where to realize negotiation strengths and weaknesses. Negotiation strengths and weaknesses I have gained a new approach in the negotiation where is focus on attaining a win/win goal, where the other party feels comfortable negotiating with me in a different situation. I have learned to communicate when I think that negotiation can help m ...
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