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Monroe College
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Surname 1
My Plans After Graduation
After graduation, I plan to work in a juvenile restoration program. Juvenile delinquency
presents serious challenges, such as physical health issues, emotional disturbances, and academic
failure, and substance abuse, family problems, among other issues (National Institute on Drug
Abuse par. 1). Additionally, juvenile crimes represent a significant portion of crimes in society.
However, my belief is that because they are in their formative ages, juveniles require and deserve
special handling. I also believe that juvenile restoration programs have the potential to prevent
the occurrence of criminal behaviors in adulthood. Future criminality can be prevented by
strengthening existing delinquency prevention and rehabilitation programs (OJJDP 1). It is for
these reasons that I am interested in working in juvenile restoration programs, as these will
provide me with an opportunity to learn from experts in the field and apply what I have learned
in school.
The wealth of information I have gained from the course will come in handy when
working with the juvenile restoration program. For instance, we looked at issues in juvenile
justice and their potential solutions, and I cannot wait to apply the knowledge I gained in a
practical setting. Mental health is one of the issues in juvenile justice (Underwood & Washington
par. 1). A bigger percentage of young adults, youth, and children entering the criminal justice
system have mental health problems and emotional problems. Potential solutions to this problem
include psychopharmacology and professional clinical care (Underwood & Washington par. 11).

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Surname 2
Working in juvenile restoration will provide me an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge on
community support programs aimed at addressing the healthcare needs of juveniles.
Another important issue within juvenile justice systems that I learned from this course is
“dually involved youth,” or “crossover youth.” These are youth who move between juvenile
justice systems and youth welfare (Kolivoski, Goodkind & Shook p. 313). Most of these
crossover youth are girls and youths of colour. Neglected and abused youths are at a higher risk
of committing delinquent acts, and they are also likely to suffer challenges such as safety and
health issues, occupational differences, and educational problems. One potential solution to these
challenges faced by crossover youth is to have coordinated, multi-system integration (Kolivoski,
Goodkind & Shook p. 317). I hope that by being exposed to delinquent justice restoration
programs, I will be able to learn more about how challenges to crossover youth are addressed.
Status offenses are also a major issue within the juvenile justice system. Some of these
status offenses include underage liquor law violations, running away, truancy, and curfew
violation (OJJPD p. 1). These status offenses raise serious concerns, especially among adults in
the lives of delinquents. Status offenses may be indicative of deeper community, familial,
personal, and systemic issues. Sadly, family courts within the juvenile system are ill-equipped to
deter and ill-equipped to address these issues. Working in juvenile restoration will help me gain a
deeper understanding of the alternative programs for deterring state offenses.
Poor defense is one of the challenges within juvenile justice systems. The role of juvenile
defenders is to protect the interests of the juveniles at all stages, including pretrial proceedings,
detention or arrest, disposition, adjudication, and post-dispositional matters (OJJDP p. 1). For
juvenile defenders to be effective, they must be familiar with the challenges of adolescent
development, they must have access to support programs in the community, and they must be

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Surname 1 Name: Instructor: Course: Date: My Plans After Graduation After graduation, I plan to work in a juvenile restoration program. Juvenile delinquency presents serious challenges, such as physical health issues, emotional disturbances, and academic failure, and substance abuse, family problems, among other issues (National Institute on Drug Abuse par. 1). Additionally, juvenile crimes represent a significant portion of crimes in society. However, my belief is that because they are in their formative ages, juveniles require and deserve special handling. I also believe that juvenile restoration programs have the potential to prevent the occurrence of criminal behaviors in adulthood. Future criminality can be prevented by strengthening existing delinquency prevention and rehabilitation programs (OJJDP 1). It is for these reasons that I am interested in working in juvenile restoration programs, as these will provide me with an opportunity to learn from experts in the field and apply what I have learned in school. The wealth of information I have gained from the course will come in handy when working with the juvenile restoration program. For instance, we looked at issues in juven ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
