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University of Maryland Global Campus
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Running head: MYTHS 1
Humans/Gods and Oedipus
Student's Name
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Humans/Gods and Oedipus
Schoolcraft (2007) stipulate that the events and circumstances used to define Oedipus the
king rolls out to show that an individual's fate is a disposition predetermined at birth. Bartel (1999)
show that the encounters that one experiences are an inclusion that projects the stance of
heightening the realization of fate. Free will has little underpinning in the scope of influencing
destiny as garnered in the text. The story of Oedipus is similar to other myths as it portrays an
individual with extraordinary traits who fight till the end as promised by the gods (Falkenstern,
2018). In the end, he perceives power to be the primary contributor to his destruction
Oedipus should get termed as a tragic hero. Through the significant encounter of his actions
in fighting, he portrays the stance of strength and courage (Ovid's). The errors that bring him to
attain the tragic hero constitute a poor judgment and the stance of killing. It is substantial to
comprehend that one must get responsible for their actions (Drake, 2012). Oedipus suffers the
consequences of his actions, which proliferates the paradigm of a resemblance to the rest of the
Greek and Roman society's myths. From the observation made in the reading, gods and humans
get expected to represent distinct traits and relate in a certain way (Paskaleva, 2020).
Question: Does Oedipus present dramatic irony? If any, discuss them.

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Running head: MYTHS 1 Humans/Gods and Oedipus Student's Name Institutional Affiliations Course Date MYTHS 2 Humans/Gods and Oedipus Schoolcraft (2007) stipulate that the events and circumstances used to define Oedipus the king rolls out to show that an individual's fate is a disposition predetermined at birth. Bartel (1999) show that the encounters that one experiences are an inclusion that projects the stance of heightening the realization of fate. Free will has little underpinning in the scope of influencing destiny as garnered in the text. The story of Oedipus is similar to other myths as it portrays an individual with extraordinary traits who fight till the end as promised by the gods (Falkenstern, 2018). In the end, he perceives power to be the primary contributor to his destruction Oedipus should get termed as a tragic hero. Through the significant encounter of his actions in ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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