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Motivation And Goal Setting

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University of Ottawa
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Motivation and Goal Setting
Student’s Name:
Institutional Affiliations

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Motivation and Goal Setting
Setting distal goals gives a person direction in life, the motivation to reach a particular
destination, and ways to measure progress. Having these goals in place guides an individual’s
daily life, make correct decisions, and find a greater purpose in life. Since distal goals take
longer to attain, it is important to create an effective strategy to meet these goals.
Part 1: Goal Description and Reasoning
The distal goal that would like to achieve is to become more emotionally intelligent.
Emotional intelligence is defined as the capability to understand and manage emotions and
recognize their influence on people. Improving emotional intelligence is a personal goal that I
seek to achieve in the long term because I am impatient, oblivious to other people's feelings, and
improve my work performance. In most cases, I struggle to comprehend and control my
emotions, a situation that forces me to experience uncontrollable emotional outbursts. Any
adverse event sets me off into a tired that last for many hours. Emotional intelligence is an
essential skill that would help me in many aspects of life, from personal relationships to careers.
The soft skill would help me recognize my emotions and their influence on people, manage my
feeling in stressful situations, and manage relations. This soft skill will also allow me to become
a great leader in the future since it affects communication, collaboration, and teamwork. As a
result, my plan is to improve my emotional intelligence by practicing self-awareness and active
listening, keeping a daily self-reflection journal, and using learning to use empathy statements in
the communication process.

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Running head: MOTIVATION AND GOAL SETTING Motivation and Goal Setting Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliations 1 MOTIVATION AND GOAL SETTING 2 Motivation and Goal Setting Setting distal goals gives a person direction in life, the motivation to reach a particular destination, and ways to measure progress. Having these goals in place guides an individual’s daily life, make correct decisions, and find a greater purpose in life. Since distal goals take longer to attain, it is important to create an effective strategy to meet these goals. Part 1: Goal Description and Reasoning The distal goal that would like to achieve is to become more emotionally intelligent. Emotional intelligence is defined as the capability to understand and manage emotions and recognize their influence on people. Improving emotional intelligence is a personal goal that I seek to achieve in the long term because I am impatient, oblivious to other people's feelings, and improve my work performance. In most cases, I struggle to comprehend and control my emotions, a situation that forces me to experience uncontrollable emotional outbursts. Any adverse event sets me off into a tired that last for many hours. Emotional intelligence is an essential skill that would help me in many aspects of life, from personal relationships to careers. The soft skill would help me recognize my emotions and their influence on people, manage my feeling in stressful situations, and manage relations. This soft skill will a ...
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