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Investment Challenge Part 2 Revised

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McMaster University
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Investment challenge review
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Income generated by an individual or a group of people can be divided into savings,
consumption, and investments depending on plans to achieve a particular goal. In most cases,
an ordinary hustler may consider saving or consuming the income acquired over time.
Business-minded individuals may consider investments in a condition by assessing potential
consequences and risks. Investments are made from income earned as capital to harvest more
funds than those previously used as capital. One may decide to invest for long or short-term
purposes. For one to achieve goals and wealth, investing in profitable activities is the
solution. Therefore, for an investment to be successful, there is a need for long-term
strategies to help guide and foresee the investment.
Strategies play a role in the investment's follow-up to enhance the payback and
achievement of short and long-term goals. However, an investor should set their strategies to
enhance payback at a particular time (Virlics, 2013). A payback period is the time predicted
for an investor to achieve the amount of capital and funds initially used to begin investments.
A minimum payback time defines an investment; however, the investor's strategies determine
the investment's success. Strategies define how an investor will go about with the investment,
in either conservative or aggressive forms. The factors that influence a strategy to be
employed include course, return, and overall cost involved.
Stocks are units of ownership or shares of equities in a business. Stocks entitle the
owner a proportion of profits and assets, equal to the shares owned. By investing in stocks,
the investor is allowed to own a portion of the corporation (Rasul et al., 2011). The investor is
entitled to making decisions that guide and channel the investments to achieve target
objectives. For our case, the client wants to invest $1 million U.S. and $1 million, and the
group's recommendation was to buy stock from the company with stable profitability and

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Running head: INVESTMENT CHALLENGE REVIEW Investment challenge review Name: Institution: Course code: 1 INVESTMENT CHALLENGE REVIEW 2 Income generated by an individual or a group of people can be divided into savings, consumption, and investments depending on plans to achieve a particular goal. In most cases, an ordinary hustler may consider saving or consuming the income acquired over time. Business-minded individuals may consider investments in a condition by assessing potential consequences and risks. Investments are made from income earned as capital to harvest more funds than those previously used as capital. One may decide to invest for long or short-term purposes. For one to achieve goals and wealth, investing in profitable activities is the solution. Therefore, for an investment to be successful, there is a need for long-term strategies to help guide and foresee the investment. Strategies play a role in the investment's follow-up to enhance the payback and achievement of short and long-term goals. However, an investor should set their strategies to enhance payback at a particular time (Virlics, 2013). A payback period is the time predicted for an investor to achieve the amount of capital and funds initially used to begin investments. A minimum payback time defines an investment; however, the investor's strategies determine the investment's success. Strategies define how an investor will go about with the investment, in either conservative or aggressive forms. Th ...
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