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System transformation

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kabarak university
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Explain why the health insurance system may not have worked for the person in the provided case
study. Through what mechanism does the person have coverage? What are the limits of their coverage?
The medical coverage might not have worked for the individual since he might have been in a
circumstance that the protection framework doesn't cover or deal with. These cutoff points might have
made the medical coverage framework not work for the individual. The individual for the situation study
has inclusion through the component of the Affordable Care Act. As far as possible incorporate, first, just
some explicit remedies are covered; second is that a few solutions are just to some extent covered.
Ultimately, demonstrations of remissness or activities are done to profit from the inclusion are not
covered by any means.
Describe how health system transformation in the U.S. could help the person in the case study. What
steps have been taken to improve their coverage through health care policy in the United States?
The Health system in the United States has significantly transformed and has had a very positive
impact on the general population’s health because it has resulted in better and improved patient
health outcomes. These transformations include health insurance coverage which boosts the
health of the populations since they can access affordable healthcare services because some
expenses are entirely and others partially covered for.
Steps that have been taken to improve coverage through healthcare policy in the United States
include first, ensuring there is quality coverage for everyone, but not at a high cost; second is that,
ensuring that there is inexpensive coverage for everyone, but not at poor quality, and lastly
ensuring that there is quality coverage, but it must be accessible to everyone.

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Explain why the health insurance system may not have worked for the person in the provided case study. Through what mechanism does the person have coverage? What are the limits of their coverage? The medical coverage might not have worked for the individual since he might have been in a circumstance that the protection framework doesn't cover or deal with. These cutoff points might have made the medical coverage framework not work for the individual. The individual for the situation study has inclusion through the component of the Affordable Care Act. As far as possible incorporate, first, jus ...
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