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Geography 217: Worksheet Name
Weather Analysis/Hurricanes Date: 12/1/2020
Thunderstorms/Tornadoes 50 points
Weather Analysis: Part I (25 points)
1. According to Lutgens and Tarbuck, several weather maps/charts are important for
weather analysis and subsequent forecasting. What are the chief attributes of associated
with the 200/300 mb chart, 700 mb chart and 850 mb chart for weather forecasting?
200/300 mb
According to Jeff Habby, the map is important since the jet streams are centered about
300 mb in the winder due to the low temperature and higher air density, and about 200
mb due to the higher temperature and lower air density, and the chart is useful for
studying the jet stream, jet line, trough and ridge pattern in the air.
According to NOAA, a map of 200/300 mb can be used to research jet streams with a
speed of 130 km per hour or more.
According to the American Meteorological Society, the 300 mb map can be used
to control aviation operations, as it can track horizontal wind flow, pattern and strength.
700 mb chart
According to Jeff Habby, the map is used to measure the dewpoint depressions, the
frequency of the advection, the detection of barotropic and baroclinic shortwave, the
estimation of changes in the trough/ridge trend, and this chart ideally reflects the
trough/ridge pattern and the kink in the height contours of the shortwave.
According to NOAA, the 700 mb map can be used to study relative humidity
in the atmosphere unless the area analyzed is mountainous and can help forecast
According to the American Meteorological Society, the 700 mb map can
be used to describe the potential for and intensification of thunderstorms.
850mb chart
Useful to predict conditions between altitudes of around 5000 m above the level of the
lower portion of the troposphere.
According to Jeff Habby, this map is useful for researching thermal advection at a lower
stage of the atmosphere.
According to NOAA, this map is useful for evaluating the predictable water in the
atmosphere and can help forecast the potential of lightning, thunderstorm, snowfall and
hail storms.

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2. Satellites are also important. Distinguish between the GOES and POES satellites. What
are the advantages of visible light imagery and thermal IR imagery?
The NOAA POES (Polar-orbiting Operating Environmental Satellites) work in low Earth
orbits (approximately 520 miles altitude) that cross Earth poles, enabling satellites to
circle Earth every 100 minutes (approximately 14 times a day). Since the Planet rotates
under the spacecraft, the satellites see a different swath of Earth in every orbit, allowing
satellite cameras and sensors to see the whole Earth every 12 hours. Low altitude orbits
often make it easier to use less costly cameras and sensors, which reduce the expense of
Although costs and data are higher, the POES satellites have one drawback: it takes 6
hours to reach half of the earth, making it impossible to track a storm or a typhoon. The
NOAA GOES (Geostationary-orbiting Operation Environmental Satellites) addresses this
issue by orbiting the Earth at very high (approximately 22,300 miles) equatorial orbits,
which are so wide that the satellites require 24 hours per orbit. Like TV and other
communications satellites that often inhabit these so-called geosynchronous orbits, the
motion of the GOES satellites is aligned with the rotation of the Earth, and the satellite
tends to be hovering over one spot, which ensures that it can take pictures of the same
view of the Earth all the time. This makes nearly real-time imagery. The entire planet
disk allows continual tracking of tornadoes, flash flooding, hail storms and hurricanes.
3. Go to the image GOES16_CONUS_East_sandwich.png. Match the sites with the
following situations. One site has two situations
Site 1 (a) Nimbostratus clouds
Site 2 (b) Towering Cumulonimbus Clouds
Site 3 (c) Some cumulonimbus clouds
(d) Hurricane Iota
Site 1 - Some cumulonimbus clouds
Site 2 - Nimbostratus clouds
Site 3 - Towering Cumulonimbus Clouds
4. Using the Skew-T diagram p. 327 (ed. 14) or the electronic image
Skew_T_dforced_lift.png. Calculate Lift Index Value. Lift Index Value (LIV) =
Ambient Temp @ 500mb Temp @ 500mb of an adiabatically (forcibly) lifted parcel of
air. What does this value mean? See MS Word document LIV_K_values_PoP
Lift Index Value (LIV) = Ambient Temp @ 500mb Temp @ 500mb of an adiabatically
(forcibly) lifted parcel of air

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1 Geography 217: Worksheet Weather Analysis/Hurricanes Thunderstorms/Tornadoes Name Date: 12/1/2020 50 points Weather Analysis: Part I (25 points) 1. According to Lutgens and Tarbuck, several weather maps/charts are important for weather analysis and subsequent forecasting. What are the chief attributes of associated with the 200/300 mb chart, 700 mb chart and 850 mb chart for weather forecasting? 200/300 mb According to Jeff Habby, the map is important since the jet streams are centered about 300 mb in the winder due to the low temperature and higher air density, and about 200 mb due to the higher temperature and lower air density, and the chart is useful for studying the jet stream, jet line, trough and ridge pattern in the air. According to NOAA, a map of 200/300 mb can be used to research jet streams with a speed of 130 km per hour or more. According to the American Meteorological Society, the 300 mb map can be used to control aviation operations, as it can track horizontal wind flow, pattern and strength. 700 mb chart According to Jeff Habby, the map is used to measure the dewpoint depressions, the frequency of the advection, the detection of barotropic and baroclinic shortwave, the estimation of changes in the trough/ridge trend, and this chart ideally reflects the trough/ridge pattern and the kink in the height contours of the shortwave. According to NOAA, the 700 mb map can be used to study relative humidity in the atmosphere unless the area analyzed is mountainous ...
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