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The Inferno And The Vikings

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The Inferno and the Vikings
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The Inferno and the Vikings
Question One
Political Elements
The Inferno, a poem by Dante Alighieri from Italy, explains the occurrences in the Divine
Comedy. The poem explains the journey that Dante took in life and spirit. The poem has several
elements that are presented by the use of the messages that affect people in life. In the second
canto, the poet explained how people suffered in purgatory, those who allowed sins to happen
around them and did not stop them. The political element in this poem is that the author wanted
to show the severity with which the traitors were treated. Having been a member of the Guelph
party, he had strong opinions on the political direction of the country (Panossian, 2019). The
political messages in this work of art can also be seen in the way the cantos express different
things that were happening in his journal. The regretting of the people in Canto III after the sins
they had committed was meant to act as a warning for those who did not have respect for the
political rulers. At the time when the poem was written, many political advancements in Italy
were marred with political mistakes and lust propelled by political goals. The poem also includes
some insights about the expulsion of the White Guelphs by the Black Guelph from Florence. The
political mistakes in Italy were taken to be sinful undertakings and so one could argue that Dante
wanted to show the outcomes of the many political mistakes that the people were making.
Cultural Elements
Dante explains some cultural values that were significantly effective in the life of the
people at the time. The beliefs about cultural practices and their connection with Christianity
formed a significant part of Dante's Divine Comedy. In Canto I, Dante is blocked by three beasts

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Running head: THE INFERNO AND THE VIKINGS The Inferno and the Vikings Student's Name Institutional Affiliation 1 THE INFERNO AND THE VIKINGS 2 The Inferno and the Vikings Question One Political Elements The Inferno, a poem by Dante Alighieri from Italy, explains the occurrences in the Divine Comedy. The poem explains the journey that Dante took in life and spirit. The poem has several elements that are presented by the use of the messages that affect people in life. In the second canto, the poet explained how people suffered in purgatory, those who allowed sins to happen around them and did not stop them. The political element in this poem is that the author wanted to show the severity with which the traitors were treated. Having been a member of the Guelph party, he had strong opinions on the political direction of the country (Panossian, 2019). The political messages in this work of art can also be seen in the way the cantos express different things that were happening in his journal. The regretting of the people in Canto III after the sins they had committed was meant to act as a warning for those who did not have respect for the political rulers. At the time when the poem was written, many political advancements in Italy were marred with political mistakes and lust propelled by political goals. The poem also includes some insights about the expulsion of the White Guelphs by the Black Guelph from Florence. The political mistakes in Italy were taken to be sinful under ...
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