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Patient Fall Prevention Ed.

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University of Washington
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The Importance of patient-centered Care in Regards to Fall Prevention
Institutional Affiliation

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A fall can be described as the act of unintentionally coming on the ground rest with or
devoid of consciousness. Today, the rate of patient falls in healthcare facilities, hospitals,
daycare facilities, and nursing homes is swiftly escalating and remains a great challenge to
healthcare providers. Numerous studies indicate that prevention could have been ensured in more
than 92 % of patient fall cases. Patient falls augment the prevalence of patient injuries.
Healthcare facilities can encounter the cost burden in the incidence of inpatient falls. According
to Bergen et al. (2016), diseases and age-related changes have a greater impact on an older
person's balancing ability. Correspondingly, various medications, cognitive impairments, and
environmental change in a person also trigger increased falling risks. For adults above 65 years
of age, falls are very common, and therefore they need to be addressed.
Additionally, Alert (2015) states that 35-45 percent of persons who are typically older
than 65 years old and the other 50 percent of the elderly persons report cases of falls each year.
These falls' extrinsic factors include those associated with the physical environment, for instance,
lack of grabs, improper or inadequate utilization of assistive devices, and deprived conditions of
floor surfaces.
Explanation of fall prevention and patient-centered care
The patient's centrality is recognized by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) as an epicenter
component to acquire health quality in healthcare facilities. Additionally, the Institute of
Medicine (IOM) considers Patient-Centered Care as the approach to institute a rapport among
patients, health practitioners, and their respective families to ensure their place in the process of

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1 The Importance of patient-centered Care in Regards to Fall Prevention Name Institutional Affiliation Date 2 Introduction A fall can be described as the act of unintentionally coming on the ground rest with or devoid of consciousness. Today, the rate of patient falls in healthcare facilities, hospitals, daycare facilities, and nursing homes is swiftly escalating and remains a great challenge to healthcare providers. Numerous studies indicate that prevention could have been ensured in more than 92 % of patient fall cases. Patient falls augment the prevalence of patient injuries. Healthcare facilities can encounter the cost burden in the incidence of inpatient falls. According to Bergen et al. (2016), diseases and age-related changes have a greater impact on an older person's balancing ability. Correspondingly, various medications, cognitive impairments, and environmental change in a person also trigger increased falling risks. For adults above 65 years of age, falls are very common, and therefore they need to be addressed. Additionally, Alert (2015) states that 35-45 percent of persons who are typically older than 65 years old and the other 50 percent of the elderly persons report cases of falls each year. These falls' extrinsic factors include those associated with the physical environment, for instance, lack of grabs, improper or inadequate utilization of assistive devices, and deprived conditions of floor surfaces. Explanation of fall prevention and patient-centered ...
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