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Descartes And Kierkegaard S Philosophy

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Xavier University
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Descartes and Kierkegaard’s Philosophy
Institution Affiliation

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1. Scientific and technological progress plays an important role in proving what we already
know. While we have learned a lot from teachers and religion among other sources, many
of we know are based on theories and ideas that need to be proven and this is where
science and technological progress helps understand. Descartes supports and accepts
William Harvey’s findings regarding blood circulation including how blood circulates
from the heart to the heart, and out to the other parts of the body. According to Descartes,
the heart organ symbolizes constitutional power. The constitution applies to everyone in a
country. In the same way, the heart communicates to all parts of the body supplying them
with the capacity to function. Harvey’s findings portray man’s ability to use reason and
thought in what he does. This makes humans intelligent. However, while animals have a
similar organ configuration as humans, they lack the ability to think. Machines too lack
similar abilities hence very different from humans. They cannot organize thought and are
limited in the variety of activities they can perform.
2. According to Descartes, “a thought is something in us.” He adds that it is through thought
or idea that one becomes conscious of the thought itself. As such, consciousness comes
from experience or the thinker is in the thinking. This means that reason is the basis of
knowledge and not divine revelation or experience (rationalism). Kierkegaard, on the
other hand, argues that consciousness refers to choice and self means freedom. More self
means more consciousness. A person without will or consciousness is not a self. As such,
consciousness leads to experience. This means that people define their unique meaning of
life, as well as attempt to make reasonable decisions irrespective of the presence of the
irrational universe. There is nothing like God and to counter such nothingness so as to
find meaning in life, people embrace existence (existentialism).

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Running Head: DESCARTES AND KIERKEGAARD’S PHILOSOPHY Descartes and Kierkegaard’s Philosophy Student Institution Affiliation 1 DESCARTES AND KIERKEGAARD’S PHILOSOPHY 2 1. Scientific and technological progress plays an important role in proving what we already know. While we have learned a lot from teachers and religion among other sources, many of we know are based on theories and ideas that need to be proven and this is where science and technological progress helps understand. Descartes supports and accepts William Harvey’s findings regarding blood circulation including how blood circulates from the heart to the heart, and out to the other parts of the body. According to Descartes, the heart organ symbolizes constitutional power. The constitution applies to everyone in a country. In the same way, the heart communicates to all parts of the body supplying them with the capacity to function. Harvey’s findings portray man’s ability to use reason and thought in what he does. This makes humans intelligent. However, while animals have a similar organ configuration as humans, they lack the ability to think. Machines too lack similar abilities hence very different from humans. They cannot organize thought and are limited in the variety of activities they can perform. 2. According to Descartes, “a thought is something in us.” He adds that it is through thought or idea that one becomes conscious of the thought itself. As such, consciousness comes from experience o ...
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