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Growing Older. Final11

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Florida Atlantic University
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Growing older
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Growing older
What surprised me most is how so many people are struggling because of long life
(Navasky & O'Connor, 2006). Everyone wants to live a long life, but no one sits down to think
about the consequences of growing old . Many older adults struggle with so many chronic diseases,
and others cannot function. It has left me wondering whether being old is a gift or a bother to
What has surprised me is how no one sees these problems coming. Some people think that
they can get old and die out of old age, but from the video, it is not the case (Amonkar et al., 2018).
There is the eternal struggling part, which is the saddest part. While we all want to live long,
healthy lives, no one thinks that they could live long enough to be a hundred plus. Maybe seventy,
eighty but not a hundred, at least I know that I have never thought of growing that old.
What I found most useful is the aspect of planning. If we are all living healthy lives, then
it is expected that we are all going to be old adults. Thus, it is imperative to plan for your care as
early as you can. Old age does not knock or give you time t decide whether you still want to be
taken care of or not. You cannot also rely on your children to take care of you because they will
not always be available.
They will have their families as well to take care of. Some of them will be leaving far from
where you are, meaning that you will only have yourself to take care of your health (Zeng et al.,
2017). Aged care should be planned for the same way people have life insurance. Since it cannot
be avoided, and a person cannot dictate when they die, it is crucial to be prepared.
While growing old is something that we all see coming, I have never thought of myself as
a hundred-year-old adult. However, after watching the video, I am not sure that I am looking

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GROWING OLDER 1 Growing older Student's name Institutional affiliates GROWING OLDER 2 Growing older What surprised me most is how so many people are struggling because of long life (Navasky & O'Connor, 2006). Everyone wants to live a long life, but no one sits down to think about the consequences of growing old . Many older adults struggle with so many chronic diseases, and others cannot function. It has left me wondering whether being old is a gift or a bother to family. What has surprised me is how no one sees these problems coming. Some people think that they can get old and die out of old age, but from the video, it is not the case (Amonkar et al., 2018). There is the eternal struggling part, which is the saddest part. While we all want to live long, healthy lives, no one thinks that they could live long enough to be a hundred plus. Maybe seventy, eighty but not a hundred, at least I know that I have never thought of growing that old. What I found most useful is the aspect of planning. If we are all living healthy lives, then it is expected that we are all going to be old adults. Thus, it is imperative to plan for your care as early as you can. Old age does not knock or g ...
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