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University of Phoenix
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Running head: FACILITY DESIGN 1
Facility Design

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Facility Design
Facility design involves making correct designs of equipment and space for the
convenience of the patients and healthcare providers. The design of the facilities should
provide patients with ample movement of equipment and enough space for convenient
movement of the patients. In the United States, many health facilities are made on standard
procedure and requirements. The federal-state requires any facility to have a standard
designation to comfortably accommodate the patients at their convenience to ensure patient
safety is maintained (Reijula et al., 2017). For example, local regulations monitor the
facility's design, whether it meets the standards, such as proper spacing of the rooms and
entrance doors. The waiting rooms should get well spacious. If the facility cannot attain these
basic factors, then it is considered unfit for the patients.
Health Information Portability and Accountability Act ensure the patients' health
information is well secured in the electronic data for future reference and confidentiality.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ensure coverage for patients screening and
behavioral interventions for patients' safety, quality care, and evidence-based practice (Hicks
et al., 2015). The acts do not have significant impacts on the renovation of the facilities. The
acts might consider observing the standard factors needed to establish the facilities, which is
crucial in determining patients outcomes.

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Running head: FACILITY DESIGN 1 Facility Design Name Institution FACILITY DESIGN 2 Facility Design Facility design involves making correct designs of equipment and space for the convenience of the patients and healthcare providers. The design of the facilities should provide patients with ample movement of equipment and enough space for convenient movement of the patients. In the United States, many health facilities are made on standard procedure and requirements. The federal-state requires any facility to have a standard designation to comfortably accommodate the patients at their convenience to ensure patient safety is maintained (Reijula et al., 2017). For example, local regulations monitor the facility's design, whether it meets the standards, such as proper spacing of the rooms and entrance doors. The waiting rooms should get well spacious. If the facility cannot attain these ...
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