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Rasmussen University
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1) Apply strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing
basic care and comfort for clients.
The nurses work in a complex work environment and deal with many stressful demands.
I used Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for this strategy competency because their resiliency and
technology adoption are hierarchical. Nurses’ physiological needs must be met; for example, we
must provide them with a comfortable and decent work environment that gives them breaks to
eat, catch a breath and go to the bathroom (Collins, 2018). Hence I have learned better ways to
prioritize the patient’s needs. For example, if, as a nurse, I need to evaluate the patients through
communication to assess their needs, slouching indicates a need for respect while crossed arms
indicate a need for safety. My experience and skills developed complements the healthcare
system’s purposes of providing care to the ill.
2) Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to
clients experiencing alterations in mobility.
Nursing intervention competency has enabled me to create SMART goals that lead to
better outcomes and avoid immobility in patients. I have learned that nursing interventions aim
to prevent dependent disability and assist clients in preserving, restoring, and maintaining as
functional independence as possible (Wayne, 2019). Also, the competency has enabled me to
assess clients with altercations mobility, which helps identify potential problems that may be the
cause. If prolonged, immobility can lead to loss; hence, as a nurse, I have learned I should
mobilize the patients and the fullest possible through efforts such as sitting, dangling, and early
ambulation to minimize immobility. I plan to keep researching and applying better nursing
interventions in the future.
3) Explain the components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with
musculoskeletal disorders.
For this competency, I learned that there various musculoskeletal disorders are
preventable, and others cannot. I have learned ways to look for pathophysiology in patients by
looking for carpal tunnel syndromes such as burning, pain, numbness, and tingling in one or both
hands. I have also earned how to identify and teach patients how to incorporate a healthy daily
lifestyle routine. Knowledge has enabled me to realize how to educate patients to avoid and
minimize musculoskeletal disorders.
4) Prioritize strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing
care for clients experiencing sensory and perception disorders.
For this competency, I have learned it is essential to provide safe and better areas both at
home and in hospitals by assessing for fall risk. Fall preventions are critical, just like client fall

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REFLECTION ON THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ON NURSING PRACTICE 1 1) Apply strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing basic care and comfort for clients. The nurses work in a complex work environment and deal with many stressful demands. I used Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for this strategy competency because their resiliency and technology adoption are hierarchical. Nurses’ physiological needs must be met; for example, we must provide them with a comfortable and decent work environment that gives them breaks to eat, catch a breath and go to the bathroom (Co ...
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