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Bio 220 Topic 2 Dq 1

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Grand Canyon University
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BIO-220 Topic 2 DQ 1- The Difference between R and K Selective
R-selection and K-selection are concepts in the Theory of Life History that relates
various species to their vulnerability to extinction. According to this theory, r-selective species
and K-selective species are extreme opposites in a continuum that encompasses most of other
species in between (North Arizona University, n.d.). An example of an r-selective species is a
mosquito while a species classified under K-selective is a giraffe.
Noteworthy differences exist between r-selective species and K-selective species. While
r-selective species tend to have small body sizes and require small spaces for habitation, K-
selective species are large and occupy large habitats (North Arizona University, n.d). R-selective
species experience rapid development and hence attain an early reproductive age while K-
selective species are slower in attaining maturity and therefore have a late reproductive age
(North Arizona University, n.d.). While r-selective species produce numerous offspring and
extend low parental care, K-selective species yield fewer offspring in which they invest high
parental care and guard fiercely at early stages (North Arizona University, n.d.). Higher
independence at birth is observed for r-selected species than is observed for K-selective species
(North Arizona University, n.d.). Further, r-selected species exhibit a shorter lifespan and high
early mortality and hence overlapping generations are a rare feature in this selective. This
contrasts K-selective species which are characterized by the presence of overlapping generations,
facilitated by their longer lifespans and low early mortality (North Arizona University, n.d.).
While K-selective species thrive in an environment characterized by low disturbances, r-
selected species are favored by disturbed and marginal environments. In habitats affected by
disorders such as fires, the r-selective species takes advantage of unused resources before the
more competitive species set in (North Arizona University, n.d.). On the other hand, K-selective

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species are threatened by such disturbances since their populations cannot recover with the same
speed their r-selective species are capable of (North Arizona University, n.d.).

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1 BIO-220 Topic 2 DQ 1- The Difference between R and K Selective R-selection and K-selection are concepts in the Theory of Life History that relates various species to their vulnerability to extinction. According to this theory, r-selective species and K-selective species are extreme opposites in a continuum that encompasses most of other species in between (North Arizona University, n.d.). An example of an r-selective species is a mosquito while a species classified under K-selective is a giraffe. Noteworthy differences exist between r-selective species and K-selective species. While r-selective species tend to have small body sizes and require small spaces for habitation, Kselective species are large and occupy large habitats (North Arizona University, n.d). R-selective species experience rapid development and hence attain an early reproductive age while Kselective species are slower i ...
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