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SOC 302 Indiana State Psychologists and Professional Goals Case Study

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Indiana State University
Case Study
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Running head: SOCIOLOGY 302 1
Case Study of Psychologists
Cheyenne Hennessee
Indiana State University

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I. Statement of Professional Goals
A. The world has always been unpredictable, and especially now in these hard times
this statement is true more than ever. Another thing that is unpredictable is people. People
can be going through so many things and have so many emotions that people don’t even
know. From personal experience people can be hard to read and sometimes even harder
to help. I have always been the friend to try to help someone when in need, known cliché
as the therapist friend, I always tried to dissect people’s problems to give them the best
advice. Helping people see things from both point of views and helping them find options
to solve their problems is like a mystery to me and I want to try to solve as many as I can.
One day my friend whose family I saw as perfect, confided in me that her mom had been
verbally abusing her lately. This came as a shock to me, because every time I had been
around her, she seemed like the perfect mom and housewife. Even from a young age I
have had in interest in people for that reason.
Since I knew I wanted to study psychology since 7th grade, my love for the mind
and people only grew. I had done my undergraduate degree in psychology from Indiana
State University. But my knowledge and curiosity for psychology only grew more. I
knew from this point on that a bachelor’s wasn’t enough. The courses I took gave me a
sense of exactly what I wanted to do, before this I didn’t know there were so many
different subfields of psychology. Clinical Psychology is everything that I would love to
do in my future and my lifelong career. Knowing what I want to do for my future only
determines me to get into the best programs and have the best possible chance to get the
job I want. Helping people with a mental disorder is one of the most rewarding things I

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Running head: SOCIOLOGY 302 1 Case Study of Psychologists Cheyenne Hennessee Indiana State University SOCIOLOGY 302 I. 2 Statement of Professional Goals A. The world has always been unpredictable, and especially now in these hard times this statement is true more than ever. Another thing that is unpredictable is people. People can be going through so many things and have so many emotions that people don’t even know. From personal experience people can be hard to read and sometimes even harder to help. I have always been the friend to try to help someone when in need, known cliché as the therapist friend, I always tried to dissect people’s problems to give them the best advice. Helping people see things from both point of views and helping them find options to solve their problems is like a mystery to me and I want to try to solve as many as I can. One day my friend whose family I saw as perfect, confided in me that her mom had been verbally abusing her lately. This came as a shock to me, because every time I had been around her, she seemed like the perfect mom and housewife. Even from a young age I have had in interest in people for that reason. Since I knew I wanted to study psychology since 7th grade, my love for the mind and people only grew. I had done my undergraduate degree in psychology from Indiana State University. But my knowledge and curiosity for psychology only grew more. I knew from this point on that a bachelor’s wasn’t enough. The courses I t ...
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