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Module 6
Diabetes case study
Patholophisiology for A.M.'s condition
A.M.'s condition implies that she has diabetic ketoacidosis. The fact that she has type 1
diabetes, which depends on insulin, means that her pancreas cannot produce insulin
independently. That's why she has to take shots of insulin. Since she has not been taking the
insulin shots during her sickness, which implies that her blood has high levels of sugars, and the
body has not maintained the sugars because of insufficient insulin. People who have type 1
diabetes are at a higher risk of ketoacidosis because their bodies do not make insulin. The
ketones go up when someone is sick, miss a meal, experience an insulin reaction, and misses or
don't have enough shots of insulin.
Etiology and clinical manifestation for the condition of A.M
A.M. failed to take her insulin shots for three days because her sickness only tolerated
juice and water that explain her diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and nausea over the last three days.
Observation shows that her mouth has a fruity/sweaty smell which is a clear indication that she
was suffering from ketoacidosis. She said that she had not voided for a day and she is unable to
keep her any fluids down. The lab tests at the hospital show that her glucose and potassium are
an essential concern along with her critical signs and symptoms.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a condition that can lead to coma or death when it goes to
extreme levels. When the body cells lack sufficient glucose that they require to generate energy,
the body starts to burn fat to produce energy, which leads to production of ketones. If ketones get

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Running head; MODULE 6 1 MODULE 6 Name Affiliate institution Date MODULE 6 2 Module 6 Diabetes case study Patholophisiology for A.M.'s condition A.M.'s condition implies that she has diabetic ketoacidosis. The fact that she has type 1 diabetes, which depends on insulin, means that her pancreas cannot produce insulin independently. That's why she has to take shots of insulin. Since she has not been taking the insulin shots during her sickness, which implies that her blood has high levels of sugars, and the body has not maintained the sugars because of insufficient insulin. People who have type 1 diabetes are at a higher risk of ketoacidosis because their bodies do not make insulin. The ketones go up when someone is sick, miss a meal, experience an insulin reaction, and misses or don't have enough shots of insulin. Etiology and clinical manifestation for the condition of A.M A.M. failed to take her insulin shots for three days because her sickness only tolerated juice and water that explain her diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and nausea over the last three days. Observation shows that her mouth has a fruity/sweaty smell which is a clear indication that she was suffering from ketoacidosis. She said that she had not voided for a day and she is unable to keep her any fluids down. The lab tests at the hospital show that her glucose and potassium are an essential concern along with her critical signs and symptoms. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a condition that can lead to coma or death ...
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