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Change Management

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Harvard school of Business
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Change Management
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Change Management
The social media dilemma is a captivating and informative documentary that indicate the
adverse psychological effect of social media platforms on users. The social media (SM) is tearing
the social fabric of the society apart due to its firm grasp on attention. People are increasingly
sacrificing meaningful relationships with their love ones to be connected to the rest of the world.
Teenagers tend to be more vulnerable to SM networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat.
They are highly influenced by these platforms. Research findings indicate the use of social media
among teenagers contributes to increasing rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide. Therefore,
there is needed to develop digital systems with minimal psychological effect on users.
Embracing the principle of change management can assist in creating humane technology. Tech
giants should embrace change by focusing on respecting the attention of users, their privacy and
free will.
Change management (CM) models are used to describe and simplify a process to
facilitate the application of the principles and enable individuals to understand them easily.
Several CM models can assist in resolving the problems associated with the negative impact of
technology. These models are Lewin’s Model, the McKinsey 7-S Model and the Kotter’s 8 Step
(Cameron & Green, 2015). Lewin’s model state that most individuals prefer working within
zones that they perceive to be safe. The model proposes three stages of change that include
unfreezing, transitioning and refreezing. Unfreezing entails motivating individuals to embrace
change. It can assist in overcoming the resistance to change (Hornstein, 2015). Once initiation of
change has been made, then an organization proceeds into a period of transition. Strong
leadership is vital during the period of transition to reassure an organization on the path towards
success. Refreezing is done after a change has been accepted and successfully implemented.

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT 1 Change Management Name Institution Date Authors Note CHANGE MANAGEMENT 2 Change Management The social media dilemma is a captivating and informative documentary that indicate the adverse psychological effect of social media platforms on users. The social media (SM) is tearing the social fabric of the society apart due to its firm grasp on attention. People are increasingly sacrificing meaningful relationships with their love ones to be connected to the rest of the world. Teenagers tend to be more vulnerable to SM networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. They are highly influenced by these platforms. Research findings indicate the use of social media among teenagers contributes to increasing rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide. Therefore, there is needed to develop digital systems with minimal psychological effect on users. Embracing the principle of change management can assist in creating humane technology. Tech giants should embrace change by focusing on respecting the attention of users, their privacy and free will. Change management (CM) models are used to describe and simplify a process to facilitate the application of the principles and ...
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