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Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver
Description of the character
Taxi Driver is a psychological thriller film that was released long ago in 1976. A distinct
character is shown in the movie, who is not a normal boy. Robert De Niro played the role of
Travis Bickle. Robert is known for his distinctive acting skills. Travis Bickle is a young boy of
age 26 years. He is discharged from the US Marine Corps who is a Vietnam War veteran. Travis
is shown as a lonely person who has no one to talk to. He has a routine to eat fast and have cold
drinks all the time. He doesn't sleep for hours. And he found that taxi driving can be a good idea
that can actually pay him for doing nothing but just driving here and there. Travis Bickle was
facing insomnia and depression. He is paranoid, and when Betsy (A girl towards Bickle got
attracted) rejected him, he became increasingly paranoid. As Travis Bickle drives at night, most
of his customers are thieves, drug addicts, and pimps. He has the thought to kill all of them and
make the world a cleaner place to live. Travis Bickle was suffering from a Cognitive issue of
Schizotypal Personality Disorder. This disorder can be developing if a person had PTSD Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (Yates, 2007).
Theoretical perspective
The theoretical perspective of this case is related to the Cognitive theory of Abnormal
Psychology. According to Beck, the cognitive theory is applicable for the patients who face
difficulty processing information. Travis Bickel was also facing issues with his mental condition
to process the information. Travis Bickel was exposed to the Selective Abstraction issue in
which he was able to see only the bad things happening around him.

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Running Head: TERM PAPER 1 Assignment Student Name Course Name Professor Name Institute Name Date TERM PAPER 2 Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver Description of the character Taxi Driver is a psychological thriller film that was released long ago in 1976. A distinct character is shown in the movie, who is not a normal boy. Robert De Niro played the role of Travis Bickle. Robert is known for his distinctive acting skills. Travis Bickle is a young boy of age 26 years. He is discharged from the US Marine Corps who is a Vietnam War veteran. Travis is shown as a lonely person who has no one to talk to. He has a routine to eat fast and have cold drinks all the time. He doesn't sleep for hours. And he found that taxi driving can be a good idea that can actually pay him for doing nothing but just driving here and there. Travis Bickle was facing insomnia and depression. He is paranoid, and when Betsy (A girl towards Bickle got attracted) rejected him, he became increasingly paranoid. As Travis Bickle drives at night, most of his customers are thieves, drug addicts, and pimps. He has the thought to kill all of them and make the world a cleaner place to live. Travis Bickle was suffering from a Cognitive issue of Schizotypal Personality Disorder. This disorder can be developing if a person had PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Yates, 2007). Theoretical perspective The theoretical perspective of this case is related to the Cognitive theory of Abnormal Psychology. According to Beck, ...
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