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Name: Paola Scolletta Tagashira Date: February 28th, 2022 Class/time: PSYCH 100, Monday at 9.45am (In: (originally: viddevpiaget1 and Video: Zimbardo: developing child There are 2 video assignments included in this document. Please go to the website: n to view the Zimbardo Video: developing child This video extends and provides new information to our lecture discussions and text. You can type your answers into the following areas. I am assuming that you watch this video and complete these questions during the assigned period found at your canvas site. Do not remove the questions. (10pts credit). Attend to Sentence structure, no run sentences, make sure each sentence articulates understanding of question Where indicted, integrate information derived from text: give page number Please include your name and class in subject line. Please submit this assignment as PDF I will complete correcting 4 days after receipt. TheDiscovering title of the video was: “The Developing Child”, which is the fifth program in the Psychology series. List the Vocabulary that was novel to you? Define these terms: The fifth program in the Discovering Psychology series, “The Developing Child” had a lot of novel vocabulary to me, which included: Twofold, which means “twice as great” or as numerous, the term refers to when the number doubles. In othe ...
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