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Value Added Tax
Identify one tax (other than federal personal income tax) you pay and one benefit
you utilize that is funded by tax dollars. How do both of these impact your life and your
family member’s lives?
Value-added tax (VAT) is a tax placed on manufactured goods every time its worth
increases at every step of the supply chain, from manufacturing until it is sold. VAT is usually
imposed on the product's cost, not including the cost of the raw materials used to manufacture
the product that had already been taxed (Chapizanis et al., 2017). I pay for this tax on the
products that I buy for consumption purposes. One benefit I enjoy from paying these taxes is
access to public goods and services. For example, I can access medical services for free or at
very minimal rates. My life and that of my family members are impacted positively by the
benefits obtained through government utilization of this tax. Tax money is used in development
programs that benefit the public, such as schools, hospitals, and other services necessary for a
thriving, efficient, and organized society.
My family members can enjoy health care services, education, and security, which is vital
in their day-to-day lives. Development of infrastructure such as roads also helps in economic
growth since buyers and consumers can access the market with ease. These will enable my
family member to acquire quality goods and services hence improving their standard of living.
Paying this tax could also negatively impact some of my family members since there is no
consideration given to low-income earners. Since the tax is imposed on goods and not income,
this could strain my family members with low income. The focus on VAT is on the taxpayers’
consumption rate and not their income (Yiallourou, 2019). However, the imbalance is curbed

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1 Taxes Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course number and Name Instructor’s Name Due Date 2 Value Added Tax Identify one tax (other than federal personal income tax) you pay and one benefit you utilize that is funded by tax dollars. How do both of these impact your life and your family member’s lives? Value-added tax (VAT) is a tax placed on manufactured goods every time its worth increases at every step of the supply chain, from manufacturing until it is sold. VAT is usually imposed on the product's cost, not including the cost of the raw materials used to manufacture the product that had already been taxed (Chapizanis et al., 2017). I pay for this tax on the products that I buy for consumption purposes. One benefit I enjoy from paying these taxes is access to public goods and services. For example, I can access medical services for free or at very minimal rates. My life and that of my family members are impacted positively by the benefits obtained through government utilization of this tax. Tax money is used in development programs that benefit the public, such as schools, hospitals, and other services necessary for a thriving, efficient, and organized society. ...
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