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Integrated Management Project

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middle east college
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Integrated Management 1
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Integrated Management 2
Executive Summary
The success of a business organization depends on its ability to satisfy its customers. Petroleum
Development Oman (PDO) is a company dealing with the exploration and production of oil and
gas in the Sultanate of Oman. PDO is the leading supplier of oil and gas in Oman. However, it
has been experiencing issues concerning reduced customer satisfaction, which has been affecting
its performance. Customer dissatisfaction is influenced by several factors, including poor
communication, poor customer service, and low-quality products, among many others. The aim
of this report was to explore and analyze the various causes and effects of consumer
dissatisfaction at the Petroleum Development Oman, contributing to its reduced performance.
The impacts of the proposed problem were discussed using the cause-effect analysis, which
produced certain results. The report utilized the fishbone diagram to study and analyze the
problem, which explained the major causes of reduced customer satisfaction at PDO. From the
analysis, some of the root causes of customer dissatisfaction at PDO were found to be poor
customer service, low-quality products, poor performance, and unmet consumer expectations.
Additionally, the report also presented a set of recommendations that can help improve customer
satisfaction at PDO, including implementing employee training programs, adopting an effective
change management strategy, effective communication, and many others. The proposed change
management model is the 7-S model since it will enable PDO to establish a collaboration
between the system, its staff, shared values, strategy, and skills.

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Integrated Management 1 INTEGRATED PROJECT MANAGEMENT – CONSUMER DISSATISFACTION AT PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT OMAN (PDO) Student's Name Course Professor's Name Institutional Affiliation City Date Integrated Management 2 Executive Summary The success of a business organization depends on its ability to satisfy its customers. Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) is a company dealing with the exploration and production of oil and gas in the Sultanate of Oman. PDO is the leading supplier of oil and gas in Oman. However, it has been experiencing issues concerning reduced customer satisfaction, which has been affecting its performance. Customer dissatisfaction is influenced by several factors, including poor communication, poor customer service, and low-quality products, among many others. The aim of this report was to explore and analyze the various causes and effects of consumer dissatisfaction at the Petroleum Development Oman, contributing to its reduced performance. The impacts of the proposed problem were discussed using the cause-effect analysis, which produced certain results. The report utilized the fishbone diagram to study and analyze the problem, which explained the major causes of reduced customer satisfaction at PDO. From the analysis, some of the root causes of customer dissatisfaction at PDO were found to be poor customer service, low-quality products, poor performance, and unmet consumer expectations. Additionally, the report also presented a set of recommendations t ...
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