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Module 2 580 michelle medeiros

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Dimensions of Innovation MODULE 2 I N N OVAT I O N A N D S T R AT EG Y F O R H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E O R G A N I Z AT I O N S APRIL 3,2022 MICHELLE MEDEIROS Types of Innovation Incremental Innovation Disruptive Innovation Radical Innovation It utilizes our existing technology and increases value to the customer within our existing market. This involves applying new technology or processes to our company’s current market. This involves creating new revolutionary technology or replacing an existing technology Potential Incremental Innovations NAVIGATION Car navigation allows an automobile driver to see where he or she is on a map at any given time. Automobile navigation can rely on GPS navigation uses radio signals from special satellites that send their position and the time of transmission. EMERGENCY SERVICES Help built in vehicles that can assist in a crash or emergency — in or out of any vehicle. Assistance locating and recovering stolen vehicles. Potential Discontinuous Innovations Autonomous Vehicles ▪ The future of automotive almost certainly includes some version of autonomous vehicle technology, and the present form of this technology is much closer to the mainstream. ▪ Once automated cars arrive it will increase efficiency for commuters. Furthermore, eliminating the human factor could drastically reduce the number of traffic accidents. Pathway for Our Organization Scale Intensive – Technology Trajectory As our core sector is in automobil ...
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