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Capella University
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National Labor Relations Act Analysis Bryan Nickerson Employment Law in the Successful Workplace Lynn MacBeth Capella University • The question that this case intended to answer was whether or not an “agency shop arrangement” is provided for in the National Labor Relations Act. The answer would be aligned with the amendment that would give an employer the liberty to bargain with the labor union and proceed to include the information in a collective bargaining agreement. Introduction • The Union demanded in writing that the employer bargain should supplement the National Agreement with the Union for the parties to act as a condition for continued employment. • The National Agreement that was to be supplemented with the Union had provisions to create a “union shop. • However, the employer refused to bargain with the Union over such a proposal. The General Motors’ Shop Position • The General Motors’ Shop held the position that the shop would be an unfair labor practice for an employee. • In justifying this position, the General Motors Shop identified that it interfered with, restrained, and in other way coerced the employees into an exercise of the rights that are provided for in the seventh section. The Union’s Position • The Union supported the agency shop • In a statement the union confirmed recorded “We do not regard the "agency shop arrangement" as being something lesser than a "union shop." We believe it is entirely different. A Uni ...
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