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Quiz 2 research

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University of Texas, Arlington NURS 5366 QUIZ 2  Which of the following study designs focuses on finding a cause and effect relationship among variables, but uses a lower level of control? Answer s: a. Phenomenology b. Experimental c. Descriptive d. Quasiexperimental Response Feedback:  Question 3 There is no measurable difference in incidence of incarceration for adolescent children whose mothers work outside the home in comparison with those whose mothers do not work outside the home. The above statement is an example of which of the following? Answer s: a. Research question b. Research objective c. Aim of the study d. Null hypothesis Response Feedback : A hypothesis is a formal statement of the expected relationship or relationships between two or more variables in a specified population. The null hypothesis , also referred to as a statistical hypothesis, is used for statistical testing and interpretation of statistical outcomes. The null hypothesis can be simple or complex and associative or causal.The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship between two or more variables. Extraneous variables exist in all studies and can affect the measurement of study variables and the relationships among them. Research objectives or aims are clear, concise, declarative statements that are expressed in the present tense, focus on one or two variables (or concepts), and indicate whether the variables are to be identified or described. A research quest ...
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