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8 1 discussion implementation and maintenance cs255

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Southern New Hampshire University
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Hi Everyone
In your readings, you learned that some companies use the same programmers to code and test
their software. Other companies have different teams performing these tasks. Which approach do
you think works best? Why?
I think the best approach is to use the same programmers to code and test software because they
have a good understanding of how the company is ran and what the company is looking for. I
think using experienced programmers that have produced good work in the past leaves less room
for error in any future projects. However, on the flip side I can see how choosing different teams
for different projects can be good. Getting fresh eyes on a project that is maybe having some
issues can be helpful.
Think about the different experiences you have online using different types of systemsfor
example, the systems you use to access your courses, to see your student information, to make
purchases, to manage your music, and so on. Have you ever encountered an issue that required
maintenance (for example, broken links, sign-in errors)? How did you report that issue? How
was it resolved? What about that process worked well? What could have been improved?
My last class I took was MAT 350 and we used ZyBooks to do our classroom work. Some kind
of glitch in the system made it to where everything we were doing wasn’t being recorded
correctly. I reported the issue to my professor and to Zybooks. I am not sure how they resolved
the issue, I am not even sure they told us or the professor what the issue was but eventually
ZyBooks fixed the issue enough to where we could work on our assignments but I still got an
error message every time I logged in and the system lagged really bad while working on it.
Imagine that your design for the DriverPass system was implemented. What process would you
suggest for collecting and managing maintenance requests?
I think I would want the DriverPass system to have a report issues section. Customers would be
able to fill out a short section of the issue they are having, they would be able to insert their
email, name and phone number so that someone from DriverPass could get back to them about
the issue they are having. Once the DriverPass team was notified they would have 48 hours to
respond to the customer and resolve the issue.
What does it mean to be a good team member in systems development? How can good
documentation help ensure that the developers and other designers on your team can implement
your designs?
To me being a good team member means to make sure you are understanding your part of the
project and making sure you are keeping up with your part and not lagging behind, which will
make the others on the team behind. I also think being a good team member means to listen to
your other co-workers and to help anyone who may need it.

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Hi Everyone – • In your readings, you learned that some companies use the same programmers to code and test their software. Other companies have different teams performing these tasks. Which approach do you think works best? Why? I think the best approach is to use the same programmers to code and test software because they have a good understanding of how the company is ran and what the company is looking for. I think using experienced programmers that have produced good work in the past leaves less room for error in any future projects. However, on the flip side I can see how choosing ...
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